Scrolling message question


Registered User
Mar 24, 2009
When we're in the server and the scrolling messages say stuff like "Player xxxx banned for aimbot/whatever", does that mean a banned player is attempting to join our server, or is it just a random "Look at these fucktards, behave yourself" kinda thing, streaming from the MBi? Sorry for the dumb question. Reason I'm asking is, I'm in Wake right now, and holy hell I've seen about 15 names go by in a matter of minutes. Thanks :)
I think it is just screening those who were banned from any server streaming with PBbans. Except sometimes you will see that a ban was "enforced on player xxx" that is when a banned player is attempting to get on the serveer
Gotcha, thanks. It's going nuts today for whatever reason lol.
I noticed a lot yesterday too. Maybe PB finally updated their algorithms.
That's the usual for PB-they update at the beginning of the week when they do it; the down side is all the new hacks are usually released on a Friday and the weekend is a fuckfest of idiots trying out new junk.

Edit: It looks like there have been 30+ bans today and the funny thing about BF3 is most of the bans are from Russia. In 2142 the majority were from Germany. I just think it's sad to cheat at a video game, might as well fake jerking off while you're at it too.