Shameful Treatment


Registered User
Jul 14, 2015
I am writing this because yesterday, for those of you who don't know, I was first revoked of my forum privileges and then TS with no apparent explanation. I was then, in front of all friends (that is what a lot of the members have become to me) disrespectfully and humiliatingly ask to remove my tags by a member who didn't even have a clue as to why in a server while playing. Now I ask you to sit back and put yourself in my shoes. You have done nothing but give dedication and respect to this clan. You have tried to follow ever rule and go above and beyond. You have tried hard to become part of their family socially ( which is not my strong suit) and figuratively. Now this clan, with no apparent reason, disrespectfully and humiliatingly strips you of that pride without even a straight forward explanation. How would you feel? I bet most of you would have some choice words and feel betrayed. This is only a fraction of how I felt. I just couldn't believe that the outstanding members of my family of this clan had done such a despicable act to me. These members who I have done nothing but respect and love, even when some tempers flew at me for my game play and style, I still returned nothing but respect and love for everyone in the clan.
As many of you know I was a new member (about 2-3) days and was still learning the ropes and rules. Whatever I did I'm sure I didn't even realize it or purposefully mean any disrespect. The appropriate and mature response would have been to pull me into a private TS channel and address the issue directly with me. I should have been at least given a chance to defend myself or correct the issue at hand. Even after being treated so disrespectful, the fact that I am still here respectfully asking for a honest and straight forward and answer and a chance to explain or defend myself in TS shows the type of person I am. I think after giving so much to this clan and trying so hard to be an accepted family member, I at least deserve this. If you think this is completely unwarranted or unjustified please explain it to me because I fail to see it.

Ex-beloved member Chainspike
Thank you for the feedback but we've spotted suspicious/convincing evidence that determines you've cheated in bf3. Would you like to explain the following? That name is linked to chainspika which is also linked to your bf4 account.




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I was aware as to the reason why, and I did not want to say anything in the server other than asking you to remove the tags.
Please I do not cheat. I have two account Chainspike and Sharphate (my xbox). I have never cheated, I really have no need too. All my stats are green. I don't have a single red stat. In BF3 I had Chainspike. The account your questioning was given to me by a friend who quit playing a long long time ago. I played on it once when I was board but never used it again and that was ... Shit can't even remember how long ago. If I were to cheat do you really think I'd be stupid enough to use an account named Chainspika? That is that close to my original account?

If you want I have no problem giving you remote access to my computer check files or making a video of all background tasks while I play. I also have videos posted of my game play on youtube under Chainspike101.
Honestly now that I think back on it. I don't even know if I ever even played on it. In BF3 I played many many hours each day. I was a lot better then now. As far as the stats their is people who play on our servers today with way more red than that. I still don't think that excuses my treatment over something that could or could not have happened well over 3 years ago...
Also I only played TDM.. Which accounts for the high KPM.... May I point out there is not a single accuracy or DMG or HSKR in the red.

There ya go ... there is your high KPM. With a sv-98 no less. I was a fucking animal back then but I also played about 4-8 hours a day in college and was cracked out on at least 2-3 redbull or monster
Heres also a picture from when I was #1 in the world with the M417.. I was trying to go pro but I just was never able to get to that level. I could be a really really good player but pro's are on a whole another planet. I tried hard to get into nXs but never happened. I just was never on that level. Like iguan could probably make it if he tried really hard.
