Sid this ones for you


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
Hope you like it..Mario Smash!

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That was cool. I guess I'll never here the end to Mario joke's
I fucking love Mario brothers, I grew up on that game.
That's cute but I thought Mario was Italian not Latino. :)

Come on. The guy loved his gold, Likes eating mushrooms and loves his rich white woman. I think he maybe latino ;p @Supra I'm an Amreican. I don't think other countries care about what mix of race you are. There's only one country that has my back.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.", Thats how I know it.


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...I'm an Amreican. I don't think other countries care about what mix of race you are. There's only one country that has my back.
That's what I'm talking about! Perfect explanation, bro.

People tell me it's a little "insensitive" for my white self to say certain things, such as how I can't stand the crap with the hyphenated geographic names people use to identify themselves with countries that they couldn't find on a map, much less have never even seen... But it's bullshit and every other country but ours knows it. Even my K-9-American knows it! ( For Soulzz: That was a funny way of saying that even my dog knows it. )

Your either American or your not. End of story. Reminds me of people saying how they support our troops but don't support the war... Nevermind, I don't even want to get started on those fucking morons!

In other news, that dude really did play the shit out of that Mario song. I wish I could play a guitar just half as good as that guy. Creating music is something that I've always admired in those that could do it successfully.
This was a sweet song for Sid and you fucking guys ruined it. lmao

Happy Valentines Day Sid, this was my present.

Here you go

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Supra, you suck!

I was walking through China Mart this morning, grabbing up a few camping supplies for the weekend, and I'm walking around humming this catchy little tune that won't get out of my head. Thing is, I can't figure what it is. Some kind of show tune or something. Whatever. Until I'm halfway home and damn near run the truck off the road as soon as I realize what the song is...

Duh, duh, duh, duh-da-da-da-duh, duh, duh, duh, deet-da-deet... ARGH!!!!!