Site Upgraded to Xenforo 1.4 Release Candidate 2


Mar 6, 2011
I've been working on a redo of the theme from scratch and decided it was time to go ahead and install 1.4 before I got too far in. Those of you nerds enough to want to know whats new can look here for any 1.4 threads All plugins updated. Hope to have the theme redo done in a week or two.

The online status indicator is stock at the moment. In case your wondering the stock indicator is in the top left of an avatar (horrible for us) and there is no offline indicator. I will come up with something tomorrow. I am making a plugin/template modification to add offline that will be released. In addition to modifying it visually for our needs. The intention is to one day actually bring the heart beats back. I just want to modify it slightly.

Known Issues:
- User Age plugin interferes with the new online status. Plugin has been disabled for now. Bug has been recognized by the developer. Should be fixed soon.
- I kinda band-aided the template merges for the old theme. Might be a couple issues visually.

Removed Plugins:
- [RT] Online Status Ribbon
- TAC FoolBotHoneyPot - Stop spam bots registering

The anti spam plugin which has served us pretty damn well without any use of captchas or puzzles is not being updated for 1.4. This is because 1.4 includes the methods it uses... not sure how well they implemented it yet though.
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Well the user age plugin has been rewritten for 1.4 already. However I lost my internet the moment I went to upload it...

Another one for the known issues. I didn't alter the Xenforo.js for 1.4 yet so menus have a drop down delay as well as no disappearing. I'll fix this back to my modified version today.