Sniper: Ghost Warrior


Registered User
Jul 2, 2008

My thoughts:

Game is shit; general disappointment.

There's a reason why it's $30...

Engine is fairly OK.

Sounds are weak. Once you start the game, you'll know what I mean. The phrase " chica de Vasquez..." I will remember for a long time (aka few enemy lines).

Generally dumb design. Linear levels, linear objectives - basically it's like a long-range corridor shooter. Now that's not necessarily bad because some of the best shooters ever (like Half Life 2) are fairly linear/corridor. However, the story here is extremely poor (Delta 43 cover Alpha 2 while Bravo 3 attacks, bla bla bla nuclear signs on laptops left alone in wooden shacks, apparent hacking skills?, "downloading data," we'll pick you up at coordinates bla bla who cares), as well as other things:

Modeling is very simplistic. Rifle feels somewhat weak to fire, but seems to kill anywhere with 1 shot pretty much I think... or two at the most.

Impressions from the level. I played on hard.

First objective: detection meter? Really? Like in this supposedly "realistic" shooter, you can hang out in front of someone for 5 seconds and they're like OMGZ I'm not sure what I'm seeing? " chica de Vasquez..." Then you hide and they "forget" about you immediately so you can hang out in front of them for another 5 seconds? " chica de Vasquez..."

Second objective: " chica de Vasquez..." Take out the guy... throwing knives 1 shot kill. Sniper rifle 1 shot kill. Hold shift and shoot - disregard wind and shit - you don't need to worry about it. [cough] " chica de Vasquez..." BOOM. Easy.

Third objective: RADAR with persistent guys a la Far Cry? How realistic is that! Take out 6 guys in a row? " chica de Vasquez..." Alright, start from the back. Hold shift, shot, repeat. Lame killcam. Slow-motion OK but somehow poor animation on the ragdoll. Generally unsatisfying. If somebody sees you (no " chica de Vasquez..."), I guess you can just hide and wait around the corner and outspam them with the rifle as they come around... they'll die.

Fourth objective: I guess it's a good idea to cough and make as much noise as you can while on guard, be on the phone etc. - just make yourself heard. Alright, I'm on the tower.

Fifth objective: I'm on the tower and I'm looking for snipers. The whole village can see me but nobody cares so whatevz - I stand in the open and find them... oh wait, they're already HIGHLIGHTED FOR ME so I just have to point my crosshair towards them? Easy. " chica de Vasquez..."

Sixth objective: " chica de Vasquez..." AIRPLANE, shift, BOOM. No more " chica de Vasquez...".


Generally, easy easy easy game. I'm sure it might get more challenging in the future, perhaps distances are going to increase too... but then, it's also boring. Not sure how the multiplayer is going to be, but a bunch of campers hiding in some glitched ridiculous corner the whole time is probably going to be rather lame.

Pros: It has prone, which reminded me of how much I miss it and how lame it is that BC2 doesn't have it. It FUCKS, but I guess Niklas knows best (tm).

Maybe Vasquez' chica appears later in the game. Hopefully she's hot, and shows you her tits and ass and then you get to shoot her in the fucking face, and then everyone stops talking about her - ever. That alone would make me buy the game at once.