Some early morning noob trolling for Macn8r


Mar 6, 2011
I started a new account in MTGO transfered what cards I have as well as picked up about 15 bucks worth of some others (4 Thunderbreak regents from DTK, Sarkhan from KTK).

Anyways you start out with 20 new player points which you can spend 2 to play a standard format game with other "noobs" for a chance to win 3 packs of cards. So I went trolling, think the guy i faced was doing the same thing I was doing.


First game went well for him but he still lost, having 4 lighting strikes in my hand kind of helped. Game 2 he got pretty screwed and he quit as soon as Sarkhan came out. For +1 it becomes a 4/4 Indestructable dragon.

OMFG he came back for a second ass kicking... Turn 3 I hit him for 8 damage which is pretty weak for this deck. Did 9 in turn 2 last night.
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He lost the second match too, not for a lack of cards. He made a foolish choice:

The card he attacked with gives trample to all cards when attacking. Had he gone all out I would have been screwed. I can't counter that reach with only one dragon on my attack phase next turn. The previous turn I was 20 to his 1, I drew a land which screwed me. A lighting bolt or a +anything on attack power and I would win. But next turn I got that Titans strength. Dropped it on ornithopter to gain a second flying creature to do damage, he lost that last point. Had he just attacked with everything instead of one card I wouldnt have made it another turn. Silly humans.
God bless him though I pulled a mythic worth $19 bucks (sellers buying price) out of one of those packs and these are 5 card packs. The chance of a rare much less a mythic rare, even more so a mythic worth money being in that?



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wait you mean i can play this game and earn money ? I don't have to make a already skinned item with color differentiation and a smiley face ?
Sorry cs"go makes me slightly irritated knowing that there are skins worth in hundreds. :p
wait you mean i can play this game and earn money ? I don't have to make a already skinned item with color differentiation and a smiley face ?
Sorry cs"go makes me slightly irritated knowing that there are skins worth in hundreds. :p
LOL, well unless your trading cards to people online that are going to paypal you later for maybe not. Though you can usually get 93 cents on the dollar selling tickets. Tickets cost $1 if buying from WOTC, I got 19 tickets out of it I could sell and get the cash sure but I am going to reinvest.
Oh dear how do i sleep at night:

Jacked his cards to kill him in a game that went on way too long. He actually quit before the rematch.
sounds pretty decent. I try playing csgo for items but the things i got so far have been overstock on the marketplace not even .50 cents worth. If i bought a key or two to open crates and take the chance of grabbing a high end skin. If anything i would rather spend some money on h1z1. I do play some cards with friends. UFS Universal Fighting System the cool thing about this game is the variety of decks that can be use for an example i started off using Soul Calibur 3. Street Fighter and some others are able to be used, can't mix the deck but fighting with SC3 against SF is pretty dope.