Something interesting to try with your key bindings...

Angry Child

Registered User
Dec 2, 2012
Hey guys, I was messing around trying to get better at ns2, and I was trying different keybinds for different actions, I think something that actually was kinda useful was setting my fire button "mouse0" to "e".

It freed up my mouse to focus only on aiming and it made quick firing the pistol much less carpal tunnel inducing, something you guys might want to try, I think the downside to this is it made your hands on the keyboard a jumbled mess sometimes "hard to press e while pressing d to turn right, etc".
This can cause issues when trying to strafe dance, impossible in the case of having to strafe right and move backwards at the same time while trying to shoot with this binding. NS2 also has some interesting jump physics in that you can change your momentum mid-air which can help when avoiding skulks, so strafing capability becomes a deal-breaker. You should instead experiment with how you grip, move, and "aim" your mouse if you are finding clicking to cause issues with aiming.


For example I hold the sides of my mouse using my thumb and pinky fingers, which allows me to comfortably move it using only those two fingers with my palm as a pivot, while my middle 3 fingers are completely free to click without interfering with the movement of the mouse, I call it the "deathgrip" and it's a blend between claw and palm grips associated with fps game-play since they provide precision. There's no right way to hold the mouse, but the wrong way is one you find uncomfortable. You should experiment until you find a style that you could potentially use weeks on end without any strain.
I've been playing with this general control scheme since the late 90's. Yes, burn me please xD :

MouseLeft = move backwards, MouseRight = Move forward
Flashlight=H(if the game has AimDownSights)

How about it? xD
I've been playing with this general control scheme since the late 90's. Yes, burn me please xD :

MouseLeft = move backwards, MouseRight = Move forward
Flashlight=H(if the game has AimDownSights)

How about it? xD

It can work for some simpler fps's, though it would drive me insane, but I don't think you can play successful ns2 aliens melee with that setup, for example fade shift stepping, while strafing, while meleeing would fall apart real quick if not impossible, as well as sneaky skulk play while on walls (holding shift while strafe jumping and chompng). Also seems pretty inefficient as far as hand movement goes, the goal is always to minimize your hand having to move at all where as this setup just going through it makes me feel like I'm playing guitar. What's your secret to making it work?

No idea. I play the piano, so maybe that helps? I mean I switch fingers a lot but I don't even think about it... numbers for weapons, K is my voice chat, M is the map...

Usually, I keep my fingers (from pinky to thumb) are on: A, Z, X, F, nothing.

I guess the weakness of this system is that I'm not using my thumb lol... Never really thought about that, but I don't care anyway.

The only problem is you can run into ghosting issues with NS2 in the exo, because I have to hold D+F to shoot in addition to strafing, but it hasn't been too big of a deal so far ...

I've been using this since doom and duke3d...

Also played BF2142 like this :-D .
Having a seven button mouse always helps too. Your mouse thumb usually doesnt do anything, but has access to several buttons.