Space Engineers update thread


Registered User
Aug 19, 2011
I'm going to post the updates and patch notes here and edit as needed. Newest at the top.



Players can download mods (custom blocks, skyboxes, custom skins) right from Steam Workshop. Mods are per-world; that means that each world can have different mods active. And that’s not all –every client automatically downloads every workshop mod used by server while connecting. As a bonus; we have also added character animations playable from toolbar, small control panel access block, gyroscope override and more catwalk blocks – enjoy!

Warning: in case you have overwritten core game files on your own in the past, please try to delete all local content + verify your game cache files


New Modding Guide

- steam workshop mod support and integration
- automatic mod download when joining multiplayer game
- moddable thruster glow
- added new character animations playable from toolbar
- added control panel access block
- added gyro override
- added more types of catwalk blocks
- added mod debug screen (F11 in single player)

- fixed invisible and invulnerable cargo ships
- fixed not hidden HUD tag after switching to third person
- fixed autosave on dedicated servers
- fixed player loses ownership one death,save/reload
- fixed respawn in owned medbay results in permadeath anyway
- fixed bugged ownership menu
- fixed toolbar hotkeys (missing options/too many options)
- fixed disabling "control thrusters" from one cockpit disables the thrusters completely
- fixed block not available message
- fixed rotor displacement issues
- fixed trapped in cockpit, crash on exit
- fixed cannot create "new ship/station"
- fixed error when loading a saved world
- fixed pistons with a drill attached refusing to extend after reload
- fixed turret sound playing even if turret is OFF
- fixed overflowing menu for various blocks (turrets, rotors)

Special thanks to Modders: Darth Biomech, Embershard, DeadWeight4U, EctoSage, sanchindachi666, damnatus and many others

Players can now have proper control of their ships while sitting in the cockpit by adding (drag-and-drop) blocks to the toolbar. Activating such block can turn the blocks on/off, reverse rotation of rotors, increase/decrease velocity and many other actions already present in the control panel. No more constant control panel visits, players can now revert one of their many rotors by pressing a single button, lock/unlock single landing gear, turn any block on/off, etc. It's also possible to drag a group of the same blocks to the toolbar. We have also enabled the option to shoot from weapons which are attached on rotors and pistons; players can now build retractable weapons!

- control blocks through toolbar
- fire weapons which are attached with rotors and pistons
- multiple toolbars (switching by dot and comma)
- re-enabled the save confirmation on leave for autosave worlds

- reduced network bandwidth for all moving objects
- reduced idle network bandwidth (when player sits in ship and doing nothing)
- fixed VSync crash
- fixed few spelling errors
- fixed too fragile piston
- fixed piston copy/paste glitch
- fixed issue when piston was pasted without top part
- fixed issue with piston physics
- fixed pistons functioning without power
- fixed issue when piston was not working on converted platform
- fixed crash while adding cargo container under the piston
- fixed issue when piston’s top part gets separated when platform is merged with ship
- fixed crash when retracting a chain of pistons at once
- fixed spamming reverse breaking pistons
- fixed issue when pressing "No" on exit the world was saved anyway
- fixed overriding thruster force causes all thrusters facing the same way to fire
- fixed custom color was not saved after exiting the world
- fixed cost of recharging battery is called "Sprint"
- fixed 1x1 wheels popping out after merge
- fixed explosives not doing damage after explosion on dedicated server
- fixed rotors floating in the air after client merges two grids
- fixed turret rectangle is visible when weapons are not enabled in world
- fixed issue when control panel items were clickable even when they were invisible
- fixed delete block sound volume was too loud when deleting many blocks with symmetry
- fixed full batteries still using energy
- fixed crash when ":" was written into search-box
- fixed turrets target stuff on when moving

Update 01.041.014
- fixed crash with empty factions
- fixed toolbar crashes
- fixed issues when building multiple blocks like cockpits
- fixed respawn in medbay does not respect permadeath setting
- fixed stats screen SHIFT+F11

Update 01.041.015
- fixed "send log to developers" popup on Dedicated server

Pistons have been added in Space Engineers - they can be used to build advanced machinery. Also, faction founders and leaders can now enable auto-approval for new members. Players will now be able to see a notification on HUD when somebody is hacking/grinding their ship (does not apply to armors). Thrusters can be used without cockpit - through the terminal - which enables the option to create missiles with warheads, turret countermeasures, small drones which grind enemy ships by using grinder and other. Blast door blocks has been also added in the game; it's similar to armor, but thinner, so it can slide between two layers of armor (very useful for airtight door and hangar bays).

- pistons
- factions: enabled/disabled member auto-approval
- hacking/breach HUD notification
- thrusters can work without cockpit - through terminal
- blast door blocks (4 types, durability will be balanced in the next updates)
- rotor height adjustment
- semi-auto mode for battery

- fixed issue when player could not leave respawn screen
- fixed large antenna texture bug
- fixed steering wheels losing sync
- fixed lags with batteries turned to charging mode
- fixed few instances of death-loop
- fixed multiplayer filter issues
- fixed visible aiming rectangle when turret is of after loading new world
- fixed issue when placing a new landing gear/station block without resources in survival mode was fully built
- fixed missing permanent death configuration when starting DS
- fixed issue with block preview when in 3rd person view
- optimized netcode for creating floating objects

EDIT:Corrected title to "Update 01.040"
People write they would like to see netcode updates...

I've just realized, we've optimized netcode for creating floating objects:
explosions in asteroids, throwing out items from inventories/ejectors/connectors, destroying cargo containers and possibly drilling
...this now uses much less network bandwidth

(multiple created objects are now batched into one network packet, information transferred per object was also reduced)

We're optimizing biggest network issues first and creating floating objects was one of them even though it may seem unimportant.

EDIT 07/25/14:
Update 01.040.014

- fixed two different crashes when exiting from the cockpit
- fixed crash in toolbar
- fixed crash with pistons
- fixed pistons flying away after changing the color
- fixed crash in asteroids (caused issues when loading a world or starting DS)
- fixed player cannot move issue
- fixed issues with mods not loading (there's still problem with model textures)

EDIT 07/29/14:
Update 01.040.016

- fixed issue when clients were able to save the game even with "client saving" disabled
- fixed issue when the game was saved after selecting "no" when leaving the game

Battery block and new power cell component have been added into the game. Communication relay makes now possible for signal to travel through multiple friendly Antennas; enemy signals that reach one antenna are relayed to all friendly players within your antenna network.You can merge ships while pasting in creative mode and we also added client-side saving and permanent death as a world options.

Note: We are still working on new player communication system, it should be added in the future updates


- battery block for small and large grids
- solar panels are now little cheaper and much more efficient
- communications relay (signal can travel through multiple antennas; you can receive a signal from any distance, broadcasting can be limited by player or by power of the antenna)
- small ship antenna has now max. range of 5000 m
- copy-paste into existing ships
- new world setting: enable/disable client-side saving
- new world setting: permanent death can be turned off (client still owns his stuff after respawning in the rescue ship)
- pressing 'K' can be now used for looting character
- added antenna to prefab ships

- improved network performance when removing larger amount of blocks at once
- fixed crash when creating faction
- fixed crash when leaving faction
- fixed mission join request icon
- fixed turret attacking its own ship
- fixed issues with respawn
- fixed turrets fire at ships in junk yard
- fixed inventory listing as same for all containers
- fixed 1x1 wheel falls off after loading a save
- fixed antenna/beacons too power hungry
- fixed passenger seat alignment
- fixed death loops when spawning in tight places
- fixed no 3rd person view for rescue ship
- fixed player tag not showing properly when joining dedicated server
- fixed ownership not remembered by dedicated server after logout
- fixed memory leaks when app was minimized
- fixed spectator mode when loading workshop world
- fixed spotlight symmetry

EDIT 07/18/2014:

Update 01.039.011
- fixed terminal crash
- fixed crash when joining game
- fixed crash in assembler
- fixed crash when building
- fixed crash in character when shooting and when unloading scene
- fixed issue when character in spawn ship could not control ship

Steering wheels and wheel controls have been added in Space Engineers. Players can now build and control vehicles. Every block that is visible in terminal can be now displayed on HUD (set on/off on terminal screen). Also some issues with Factions have been resolved (see the list below for more details).

Note: wheels in multi-player are still work-in-progress and some things might not be functioning properly

- steering wheels (sounds are placeholders – wheels in multi-player are still WIP)
- wheel controls (WSAD)
- adjustable welder and grinder speed (in world settings)
- name and location of blocks visible in terminal can be shown on HUD
- new inventory filter (hide empty inventories)
- join game search box
- hacking computers is a bit slower (grinding block of non-friend is slower by factor of 3)

- fixed some Factions issues (turrets shooting on it's own ship, non-changeable ownership)
- reduced network bandwidth during line/plane building
- fixed beacon range and visibility
- fixed issue when beacon broadcast was killing the server
- fixed issue when antenna was working without power
- fixed red circle after re-spawn
- fixed beacon broadcast distance does not save
- fixed old save files have no ownership

EDIT: Update 01.038.013
- fixed 5x5 wheel assembly for small ship disintegrates when trying to place/build
- fixed wheels not controllable
- fixed no button sounds
- fixed wheels reversing after converting from station
- fixed negative multipliers (i.e -1 -2) cause the grinder to actually build rather than grind
- fixed solar panels turned off after ship spawn
- fixed thrusters had incorrect direction after merge
- fixed crash during ship merge
- fixed crash in terminal
- fixed crash in toolbar
- updated wheel icons in G screen

Factions are now available in Space Engineers. Players can create and join factions, determine ownership of blocks and manage the relations between them (hostile/ally). Block ownership is determined by computers, so if players want to take over hostile blocks, they will have to replace the computers that are in these blocks. Ownership can be transferred manually by the owner. Blocks can be shared within faction members or everyone.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Factions are still Work-in-Progress and this is only the first update. There are still many things to be added during the next weeks (eg. chat and communication) and some bugs/issues are yet to be fixed. We decided to release it now so we can get the best feedback possible from the players.

- factions
- ownership of blocks
- hacking/take-over of hostile objects
- block sharing
- looting dead engineer
- copy/paste: rotate object before pasting

- fixed mirroring planes not visible
- fixed extreme lag issues in some worlds
- fixed issue with having access to control panel from passenger seat
- fixed wrong highlight on door model
- fixed missing dialog box in main menu and pause screen
- fixed dedicated server issue: clean exit with save not working
- fixed issue with NPC ships not de-spawning
- fixed world name file folders aren't updating with "Save As" feature
- fixed crashes and asteroid physics
- fixed issue when connecting via connector deletes grouping
- fixed copy+paste option for dedicated server setup
- fixed missing thruster effect
- fixed weird character animations with tools & cube placement

EDIT 07/04/2014:

Update 01.037.014
- removed computer component from large ship thrusters
- removed computer component from conveyors (so turret won't attack it)
- fixed crash when server selects all objects on the grid and sets "Me" as owner and "share with my faction"
- fixed cannot save issue after cargo ship permissions changes
- fixed crash in factions after changing faction properties or members
- fixed crash when closing faction screen
- fixed crash when mining asteroid
- fixed crash when switching character’s light
- fixed crash when client canceled join request or joined other faction
- fixed crash when character was shooting when died
- fixed crash caused by selecting empty space in ownership (there are no empty options in ownership drop down menu)
- fixed crash when client was trying to join a faction multiple times
- fixed server steals all ownership


The conveyor-connector system is now fully functional. It can be used to connect two ships, share electricity, give access to control panel and transfer items. Also players can now set custom color to the astronaut’s suit.

- conveyor-connector system is fully functional
- set custom color to astronaut’s suit
- passenger seat
- copy-paste the grids which are connected through rotors
- items ejected from the ejector now inherit velocity

- fixed weird/purple colors (especially visible on asteroids)
- fixed hand drill issue
- fixed clustered cargo ships in MP consuming server memory causing high ping
- fixed control groups after merging/splitting
- fixed issue with merge block causing CTD and stops Dedicated Server
- fixed issue when switching while in load screen by using ALT-TAB and load worlds list stays blank
- fixed issue when connectors could not connect if mounted to the same ship
- fixed crash when merging small ships
- fixed pink textures on asteroids
- fixed dedicated server crash when socket is already in use
- fixed few instances where mining is not working
- fixed some symmetry is off (Cockpit 3 Large, Cockpit 1 Small.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Avast is reporting a virus in SpaceEngineer.exe in the last update (01.036). It's 100% a false positive, you can add that file to exceptions/mark as a save file.



Electricity is now being transmitted through rotors (inter-grid electricity and communications relaying). We've also added new world settings (automatic trash removal, limit world’s size) that will help players to manage the increasing number of objects in the world - useful especially for dedicated servers.

- electricity is now being transmitted through rotors (inter-grid electricity and communications relaying)
- “center of mass” indicator (enabled in terminal screen: Info panel)
- moved some of the world settings to the new “advanced settings” screen
- new world settings: automatic removal of respawn ships
- new world settings: automatic trash removal
- new world settings: world size limit
- ban on player’s screen (F3) for dedicated server
- improved landing gear (setting break force, auto-lock feature)

- fixed crashes caused by landing gears, rotors and merge blocks
- fixed crashes when character was walking near asteroids
- fixed toolbar issues (drag and copy, right click, double click)
- fixed crash when creating Crashed Ship scenario
- fixed frozen cube builder preview
- fixed auto-submit log after game crash

EDIT 06/20/14:

Update 01.035.009
- fixed landing gear auto-lock crash
- fixed issues during and after merging platform/ship (crash after pressing Y, kicked from cockpit, can't pilot merged ship, etc)
- fixed crash when loading various old worlds
- fixed crash when drilling
- fixed various control group issues (more fixes to follow)
- fixed recharging energy for newly build cockpits/medbays
- fixed custom game setup not remembering the chosen number of asteroids in the world


Players can now change the color of their space suit. Also, added large ship drills, spectator mode and more options for running the dedicated servers.
We have reverted the multiplayer code to the previous version and more improvements will come in the upcoming weeks.

- space suit color selection (in medical room)
- large ship drills
- added spectator mode
- added borderless window option
- more options for running dedicated server (configurable data path in command line)
- improved small cockpit mount points
- added the option to take anything from conveyor system by double-clicking

- reverted to previous multiplayer code (improvements will come)
- fixed landing gear white color
- fixed cargo ships not de-spawning
- fixed issue with players’ name displayed as "Unknown"
- fixed issue when tools constantly deplete suit’s energy after the task is finished
- fixed merge block shifting when two ships were connected
- fixed Cockpit3 does not need any displays to be functional
- fixed issue with screenshots taken during auto-save
- fixed issue with broken workshop thumbnails
- fixed warning when switching from creative 1x to survival 1x
- fixed ship drill being too fragile
- fixed changing toolbar while constructing
- few animation fixes (character without gravity or jetpack, character sitting in a cockpit)
- fixed issue with ejector being functional when it was placed on large doors
- fixed grammatical translation errors (multiple errors on words, sentences & quotes in US English Version)

Spectator mode:
Can be enabled in world settings
F6 - return to regular mode
F7 - tracking camera, controlling object
F8 - free camera, controlling camera (this is true spectator)
F9 - free camera, controlling object

Dedicated server:
SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe -noconsole -path "D:\Whatever\Something"

-noconsole: will run without black console window
-path: will load config and store all files in path specified ("D:\Whatever\Something" in example)

taskkill /IM SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe
this will stop dedicated server correctly, saving the world etc
to stop it immediately add argument "/f", that will kill server without asking to stop and without saving the world

EDIT 06/13/14:

Update 01.034.009
- added error message when starting dedicated server and listen port is already used
- fixed crash in inventory
- fixed crashes caused by conveyor
- fixed irreparable blocks
- fixed broken sounds
- fixed crash during shader recompilation (custom skybox crashed the game)
- fixed crash during startup when invalid prefab found
- fixed collision model on large drill head
- fixed 2x3 glass mirroring
Last edited:
<goes off to rebuild ships with antennas and batteries>
Pistons and rotor adjustments could be a massive game-changer. This week's update is HUGE.
Interesting update this week. Lots and lots about mod management, then HOLY SHIT!!! Automatic satellites!