Spanking new $4.5 billion costing aircraft carrier


Registered User
Jun 7, 2017
Spanking new $4.5 billion costing aircraft carrier runs .. Windows XP?

A group of journalists got a tour on the newest British aircraft carrier, the HMS Queen Elizabeth. This Royal Navy pride costs around $4.5 billion, during the tour the journalists noticed something - the vunerable and unsupported Windows XP is running on it's computers.

Actuallty several displays in the control room of the ship run Windows XP noticed The Guardian and The Times.

“When you buy a ship, you don’t buy it today, you bought it 20 years ago,” according to Mark Deller, commander air on the Queen Elizabeth. He also notes that the specifications of the ship are what was good then, but that there’s always spare capacity in mind.

In the near future there will be upgrade and maybe some of them are already performed, according to Deller. The Royal Navy aircraft carrier has been in developed for nearly 20 years. The ship will also have a team of cyber specialists onboard that the have the capability of defending against hacks, according to Lt Cmdr Nick Leeson, senior warfare officer.

So in a few years they will move on to Vista ;) lol
This is the same country whos hospitals took a huge hit from a virus that was patched... not surprised, lol.
They don't have to worry about the year 2000 issue for another 3 years if they are 20 years behind. lol
The British navy defeated Napoleon's navy on the high seas (Lord Nelson) and the Spanish Armada, and lets not forget its forays into the Middle east prior and after WW1. Its navy controlled the sea routes for a century or more. one can argue they controlled the seas between the 17th-20th centuries. The queens personal pirates Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Humphrey Gilbert enriched the navy and the crown with its loot from the America's similar to what the Spanish navy did. And lest not forget the British navy protected the opium trade for the East India Company and used gunboat diplomacy in China and around Asia. it's navy played a major role in defeating Argentina in the Falklands war. Britain has a very proud history of naval warfare and maritime accomplishments and i bet this warship/carrier will embody its rich history. Or not. I bet the Russians, the Israeli's and American's have already upgraded this ship's IT hardware for future use. lol. Just kidding or maybe not.