Sporadic Throughout November


Registered User
Apr 23, 2014
I am going to be in the process of moving in November. I will not be on as much which I pack/move/unpack all that fun stuff I haven't done in 20 years. It will be good though. Cutting 20 miles off my daily commute and such. So the plan is packing after this weekend (which cuts into fun times); then moving (oh noes! they stole my netz); then being moved in and back to the closest thing I can muster to "Normal". Being we have to find deposit/rent funds fast my Donations might be on hold until next year. (That and I lose almost two weeks of work at the end of the year).

Yay Moving... [Sarcasm Horn]
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good luck with it all man and yes moving sucks, but worth it once you get settled
Wait until you go through the fun of having a house built, that is the best. Good luck with the move!
Have fun!

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Official move-in date is set for Nov 15. Will be a slow move as the things don't need to be out of the house until January. Moving the bulk of my stuff first. Maybe get a few weeks of peace. Who knows?

Flown by iRaven using Tapatalk.
I found a couple of real Gems cleaning out a dresser.

My last 'Dumb Phone' I owned. Samsung Alias II

I've known people who had the sidekick but wow haha that's way before the sidekick existed huh, no full keyboard. I had some AOL CDs but I experimented with them, in the name of science of course, my question was "how far can you bend a CD before it fractures?" Fun times
It had a full keyboard. The keys were e ink, much like a regular kindle screen. But that takes some Power to restore it

Flown by iRaven using Tapatalk.
Well, i move on the 15th. I have Cable coming in on the 16th to come install. All services stay the same, dropping telephone, and paying $90 less a month. Win-Win-Win-Win-Win.
Settling in nicely. Waiting for the Cable guy so I have internet. I should see you guys on later today.

Flown by iRaven using Tapatalk.