Squad leaders..B3....some advice...sigh


Registered User
Jun 23, 2009
I dont know how to put this anymore SIMPLY than I can.....when your the SQUAD LEADER....GIVE ORDERS....all day yesterday on TBG servers I'd join a squad and it's either a squad full of campin sniper pussies...or some dweebTard moron who bunnyhops his way into oblivion when you respawn on him...and NO ONE gives ORDERS...very frustrating....
This morning I finally got a squad of good guys and I was the Squad leader and we CLEANED UP...mega points and we ruled....it seems I hardly ever see any TBG members on your servers anymore too and I know how great you guys are at giving value to the Squad unit and it's function.
This isn't a rant altho it's pretty darn well close to one...lol
so remember.if you become a Squad Leader in B3....GIVE orders.....it takes no time and the benefits far outweigh the negatives.....hopefully you dont end up in a squad of snipers cuz then you might as well end up being a Lone Wolf...youll end up doing much better.....
another matter....your servers yesterday were almost to the point of being unstable...I dont know if thats EA's wonky fault or yours...probably thiers.....for all it's worth...EA needs to address it and soon.
