Suggestion for your new Infantry Only Server!


Registered User
Nov 20, 2013
First I want to say I LOVE IT, and I hope it catches on and eventually we'll have more infantry only servers. Yours is the only one in North America that is consistently full, as far as I know.

But I think there is one problem with it's configuration, and that is that vehicles are set to spawn once. In infantry only this means only one or two quad bikes total the entire game, which I think leads to really monotonous end games where there is just an enormous amount of running.

So I would like to propose default values for vehicle spawns in Infantry Only mode. As far as I know it is literally just quad bikes and dirt bikes, as I think even transport helicopters and jeeps are removed in Dice's Infantry Only preset (I could be wrong, not sure)

Anyways, I would like to hear your thoughts on the issue. I think this is important to keep the popularity of the game mode increasing. If people's only experience is "oh yea, I spawned in the uncap of zavod, and I had to spend 3 minutes running to the D flag where I walked through a door and a claymore got me, well they're going to quit and go back to domination or TDM. Quad bikes keep the action fast.


Also Please consider adding FLOOD ZONE to the rotation! I think it's one of the best infantry only maps. Not quite as good is Hainan. Consider it. Not sure if RHIB boats or the light jeeps would spawn or not, and if not Hainan might be super lame, but just an idea.

Thanks again for the great servers and great adminning. :)
I like the idea of Flood Zone, vehicle spawn times we had to tweak here and tbere but its been awhile and I forget the settings. I agree all the running around is shit, maybe smaller maps are an answer.
I agree, flood zone is a great I/O map, especially since it will keep people off the tall roofs camping all day due to no heli's and the spawn beacon setting(s).

I don't know if increasing the vehicle spawn is the answer.
Unfortunately there is no script that allows you to set the number of bikes etc.... The vehicle spawning once is a trick I figured out so its either vehicle spawning once no vehicles or a vehicle server. One of those three. If I could set more transport vehicles I would

We could definitely add flood zone. Already added.

Infantry only does not appear that much on battlelog which is why there is a lot empty servers. It was like this in bf3 as well.

Glad you are enjoying the server it is definitely a special one.
Keeping the action fast as the OP STATED is more COD minded. The fact that 2 opposing sides need to try and out flank , and maneuver each other on a more realistic pace , to me is more blood pumping! Vehicles in an infantry only server would cater to the lets get behind them quick and camp kids. I like the infantry only server the way it is. If you need a vehicle fix there are our 4 other vehicle map servers. Just my opinion though.
idk, the forest fighting on zavod is quite fun...