

Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
Played a few rounds on All Titan yesterday and saw GT and Sid. Just wanted to say whats up and see how everyone is doing.
Whats up Grease? I have not been able to play lately. ISP has switch or router issues. Last week it was in Washington, this week its in Cleveland. Trying to get someone at a high enough level to know what to do is a pain in the ass to say the least. Anyone work for TWC?
What's up, Grease! Come into Suez or NS tonight (although we could bow to the pressure of going into All Titans). We are in most nights.
Cool will look for you all there. I started a new job back in June so it has limited my game time a "little" lol. Guess I did have it pretty good at my old job being remote and all:)
I thought I knew that name. Put your tags back on so thoughs of us with memory problems know who you are;p I even asked GT when we were on the deck....Isn't that guy in the clan? Good to see you back. Sorry for not giving you a squad invite. You should have asked.