support on medic


Registered User
May 27, 2008
I get that shit all the time... its like the kit just switches as i'm picking out my shit... arghh
Yeah when the seconds in which you can be revived run out, it messes up your screen if you're looking at your unlocks... pretty annoying.
Yeah, dude. That's freaky. And the words are all jumbled up on your screen, too!!!!

Szedl Sasza sucha szosa, szosa byla sucha.

Jezy nie wiezy ze na wierzy jest stado nietoperzy.

Kr?l Karol kupil kr?lowej Karolinie korale koloru kolorowego.

St?l z powylamywanymi nogami.

It's hard polish words and sentences.
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Do you want learn polish??
LMAO Darth, BTW I'll jump in a tank or a transport with you anytime. 027 027 027 027 027 027
i think sixer too:D {PL} Mysle ze sixer tez.
no problem. {PL} Nie ma sprawy.

That is one word?
Someone said that being Polish nationality is not a nationality, its a full time job. LOL

That is one word?
yes it is:) its mean young girl, inhabitant of Constantinople :D

Someone said that being Polish nationality is not a nationality, its a full time job. LOL

not always but in 70% nationality propably yes:D now i go to school on 3 days after i have 13 days free :)
world opinion about polish is wrong. i can say about this but i have not too many english words:P
did you watched "EUROTRIP" (movie) they go to Yugoslavia. many countres think that poland is like Yugoslavia on this movie :)

(yes i know, my grammar is very bad, correct me please :D)
Wow. 32 letter word. takes some major skills to master that language. Go darth.
when you lern this laugage sice children then is easy. english is little hard for me i have problem what you see:D and polish? laugage like laugage:P I invite you to prv on vent i can show you that polish is easy :D shibby can say somethink on polish:)