

Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
Are they really necessary? I'd way rather have my laptop.
Would you rather handle checking an inventory that requires you to walk around a warehouse sized area with a laptop or a tablet? There you just made up your mind.
There are jobs that will be done with tablets that you may never work. But they WILL make lives simpler and easier. Tablets also make companies money and give people jobs as well as supporting them does the same thing.

If you don't need or want one plain and simple don't buy it. Tablets started as convertible laptops and those are still tablets but the market has evolved with new low power hardware and available operating systems. You can walk around holding one between your hand and chest across your arm a lot easier than carrying a laptop weighing 2 to 5 times as much. A non tablet form laptop is pretty hard to use while walking and phones are not really nice for actual work.

Its not a fad or a game. They're likely a permanent technology that can only be supplanted by wearable computing. Oh and as predicted by Star Trek, Samsung actually used that in court against Apple's claim they invented the idea of the Tablet and the internet and god and anything else anyone else ever thought up Apple claims the patent rights too now.

There are plenty of non work related uses for them. Women will certainly take to them more outside of work because available sizes fit into a purse better than a laptop. Book readers are tablets even cheap ones are now available as color screen android devices.

Let me see if i can come up with a list of things id use one for:
- Any job involving large inventories.
- Lawyer, They suck to type on but make a great device to use in a court room.
- Any job involving walking around with clipboards but not alot of data input.
- Salesmen, it varies from job to job but the larger your catalog and the more mobile the job site the more useful it is.

Apparently NFL teams want to replace the playbooks with Tablets but the NFL is worried about security haha.

Back in the late 90's it was common for McDonald's to employ an outdoor cashier to walk down the line of cars and take orders with a "mobile" register. Obviously many food environments could do this but back then they didn't have actual tablets. Some people look down on the idea of writing down an order. But in a restaurant environment the ability to get the check to the counter without even moving and modify checks that haven't been completed easily is a nice idea.
Jesus. I read the first sentence and then my brain went on auto pilot. Congratulations, Rain you made a zombie out of me.
All depends on if you have a need for it. I had no desire to buy one and no need to. That was until i started getting all my textbooks in ebook format, and i realized the laptop was unwieldy and didnt get the battery life i needed for a full day of school. Plus it looks pretty shady to have your laptop out on open book test days. I'm gonna be picking up the new Transformer Prime TF700T when it comes out. Best android version out there.


iPad 3 vs. Asus Transformer Prime
Jesus. I read the first sentence and then my brain went on auto pilot. Congratulations, Rain you made a zombie out of me.

For real man, I completely skipped that 50 page book report. If i read that I would have too shoot myself in the head.

Don't fuck with tablets, you don't want to piss off Moses do you?
Don't listen to them Rain.

We have a couple of both laptops and tablets around here; don't laugh about the numbers -- my wife's company just handed out ipads for her work (and no she is not in sales). Now if I have something I need to create and I need to be mobile, give me my laptop. If I just want to do something mainly receptive (reading sites or e-books, looking at facebook, or other stuff to pass the time) the tablet rocks because of its portability and battery life. Streaming videos, reading, checking email -- it really rocks for that stuff. But if I want a bigger screen (my laptop is 17") I just use it. Now, with all that, having a desktop and a tablet is all that is needed if you are not creating a lot of documents. For light typing the tablets are fine, and you can always get a bluetooth keyboard (my wife's case has one built in), but you just have to figure out what best fits you.
lol dont worry chuck. Six was teasing we already had a good laugh on this earlier.

For real man, I completely skipped that 50 page book report. If i read that I would have too shoot myself in the head.

Oh but sweetheart. You told me my verbosity was my sexy aspect. That you enjoyed pretending to understand our intelectual conversations. That if it wasnt for my aspergers syndrome you wouldnt love me.

Oh wait you told soulzz the same lie. YOU WHORE! YOURE ALL THE SAME.

i prefer tablets. I don't own at laptop or tablet cause i suck i know.

When i use it though its very lightweight and just so versatile in many ways.
I'm getting an ipad for music and mixing stuff. It's a pretty useful learning tool the ipad, you can learn languages, music scales all sorts and it just saves you effort because you dont have to carry a massive book or 5 around with you. Eventually I'll just have a desktop and laptop :)
Meh, tablets have their place. If you're traveling or need something that's easy to pack/unpack to just to watch a movie or browse the interwebs they're ok. For day to day use I still would prefer a laptop because there are certain applications I use that a tablet just doesn't have the ass to handle.