Tapatalk updated and fixed. If you haven't been getting push notifications heres why.


Mar 6, 2011
Finally remembered who had the damned Tapatalk account. Only I wasn't trying to fix this. I was trying to update other things. When I got on it informed me our version was out of date and our key was not correct.

I recently stopped getting any push notifications and this is likely the reason. Should be good to go.

Previously we could only be found by searching TBGclan.com. You can now find us searching TBGclan or True Born Gaming. They say it takes awhile for this change to roll out but it looks like it has already taken effect.
Found it. They had a paid version they were trying to upsell....dicks.
I think my notifications are still broke lol. I mean I haven't gotten Amy for xda either so maybe it was unrelated for me to begin with. Clean install of CyanogenMod and clean install of Tapatalk and still nothing...
It was bugging me to pay. I had to close application and update to the free one.