Tax free at AAFES

wow.... haven't heard about AAFES in years. Completely forgot they existed until now. I miss them now.
Sounds great but the nearest base is probably 300 miles away ! :)
Seems to say that you can shop AAFES online. Which is what I do most of the time anyway. You will more than likely need your DD-214 or something that shows your honorable discharge from whatever branch you served in. About time those who served get some benefits. Those of us who retired keep losing them thanks to congress. When I turned 65, I was forced to have Medicare as my primary insurance and Tricare as secondary losing my vision coverage. Thankfully Dental is separate and I still have my meds covered...for now. Thanks for all who served!
Man your old
Seems to say that you can shop AAFES online. Which is what I do most of the time anyway. You will more than likely need your DD-214 or something that shows your honorable discharge from whatever branch you served in. About time those who served get some benefits. Those of us who retired keep losing them thanks to congress. When I turned 65, I was forced to have Medicare as my primary insurance and Tricare as secondary losing my vision coverage. Thankfully Dental is separate and I still have my meds covered...for now. Thanks for all who served!
Man your old
I tried to sign up but the web site said they couldnt find me as a vet but they ask for rhe last 4 of my SS well my SS number wasnt my service number. I was in before they used SS numbers as service numbers.

PS. I still remember it to this day.
I tried to sign up but the web site said they couldnt find me as a vet but they ask for rhe last 4 of my SS well my SS number wasnt my service number. I was in before they used SS numbers as service numbers.

I think a lot of records were lost when the St Louis MILPERCEN had a fire awhile ago ??