[BF4] TBG Clan Servers and BF4


Registered User
Aug 2, 2014
If it wasn't for you guys that support this game and its awesome BF2/3 style maps I and many more wouldn't have these epic, adrenaline filled nights while playing BF4. Kudos to you guys! Keep up the great work. I really do appreciate it.
'BACK TO BATTLEFIELD 4 - Epic highlights showing why I love this game'

I think BF4 just has more variety of ways to play than say BF1. More vehicles, equipment, gun combos, and a progression system. Yes BF4 has its faults like ( LAWS, Active Radar, etc) but this is DICE's best effort in the Frostbite Engine Era. Depth, gunplay and fun. Everything since BF4 has been a let-down.

I can play BF4 for hours and can't get enough. I can only take BF1 in doses. Sadly, I am highly doubtful that DICE's next installment of BF will come even close to BF4. Let's hope I'm wrong.
I concur. TBG's BF3 maps server is the bestest in the whole wide world. Congrats TBG on running this server and its fun factor!! I stlll play regularly after all the OG's quit playing .. Ive had many great memories in making TBG and SAS members go BOOM!!!!!:p:p:p Looking at u Militarydan!!!!!;)
Thanks dude. We deal with so many negative comments its really nice to see someone thank everyone at TBG for what they do behind the scenes to keep this community ticking.