TBG servers- Recent Server Instant kill at the start / Balancing / UCAVs


Registered User
May 10, 2020
First, I just wanted to say thank you for hosting these servers. We love to play on the TBG servers and overall, you guys do a great job hosting.

There has been some recent frustrating issues that I wanted to try and get some clarification on why these things are happening.

1. Squad Leader Balance - This is so frustrating to someone who usually squad leads with all my guys. All my guys come on here to have fun and spend time in the same squad. We usually schedule a time to all get on and once we are up and going, I get pulled out of the squad I built and we all have to scramble to regroup. I can only tell you that this frustrates all of us and even sometimes we just pull out and go to another server. I perfectly understand Balancing and the reason for it, but I would ask to NOT move the squad lead. Move the guys who are not in a squad first and then other squadmates 2nd. I did notice that our squad got forced balanced (not the normal pregame balance) last night after the game has started, about 1 minute in. Was this an Admin? And why?

2. Different settings for different servers? I have noticed that some of these balance settings act differently between some of the TBG servers.

3. Games start instant kill. This was very recent, last night and it happened 3 times. When the game started, we usually go to the middle or the back flags, C or D, or E at Pearl, depending on your side. While doing the usual, I was killed, for what it seemed like going too far in too fast. I was literally on E flag with no one around and killed in Action. This also happened on Zavod. At the start, taking a bike to the middle first and was killed when I got to C, or just before it. No one was around.

4. Server stability. I have noticed over the last 30 days, more and more people are having issues getting dropped, packet loss, and server crashes. Was there a server change?

5. UCAVs from Spawn - This is getting way out of hand and I need to know the official rule, can you shoot a weapon from inside your back spawn where we can't even hit them back? I can tell you that no one likes the constant UCAV from their spawn except for the UCaver's. Don't they have to be inside the play area? Most of them sit in their out of bounds where we can't go, search, or fire into spawn because then everyone complains that we are firing into spawn. The out of bounds should be OUT OF BOUNDS for both teams, correct? I don't mind getting killed by one if they are in the play area. Some light on this would be appreciated as I see nothing but complaints. This also pertains to anyone firing any weapon such as mortars, snipers, ect.. Please Ucavers, don't blow up my thread.

Thank you in advance for your response.

Donating today for all your server efforts.
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1.) We used to have a plugin that allowed us to keep squads together. We can look into that again.

2.) Some settings are different yes. Can you provide specific examples so we may look at them?

3.) We will look into that

4.) We have made some changes to our servers not only for Battlefield but others as well. One of these changes being switching some popular servers to 60hz. Obviously this takes up considerable resources. We are constantly monitoring the servers to see what can be done. So rest assured we have been on this issue.

5.) Ahh, good 'ole UCAV questions. Our uncap rules have never really changed. So here is the clarification: Do not attack the Uncap unprovoked. You may however ONLY attack the player that is shooting out. They are fair game once they do so. These UCAVer's are very easy to kill. You just have to know how.
UCAV's are no different than using a Gun in game. Its a projectile coming out of a tube.
1. Unfortunately there isn't a way to specifically identify the squad leader and not auto balance them. I see you donated and if you are looking for balance immunity, please see this page

2. The autobalancer is the same across all of our servers. If you are seeing squads not get scrambled, chances are they donate for balance immunity.

3. We do not have any addons that auto kill and would need to see an example of this. If you can tell us what server and time it happened we can look into it further.

4. There has been a recent uptick in DDOS attacks and intentional server crashes across BF lately.
Hey Remy, I connected with you earlier on FB.

Our autobalance doesnt kill to move you, usually it moves after a death. As I consider you guys good fellas and you've been supportive for a while, I have added you to our whitelist.

I cant explain the intermittence with pack loss, but usually those things are temporary

What true and Irish said earlier has validity to them so I wont repeat it lol.

As far as your last point. We allow all weapons in the server. If you do see it being launched into your uncap, you can report it otherwise everything is fair game.

Thanks also for the support!
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While I generally don't care about ucavs, mostly because I run with a squad of medics and we just pick each other back up, I do have a question regarding attacking the uncap to kill them.

I don't remember names as this was some time ago but a couple of my friends started mortaring the uncap to kill some people ucaving from spawn. They ended up killing a couple of them and after a while the ucavers started clumping together in the uncap and one of them just wouldn't attack. Naturally that clump got mortared and a couple of them died, including the guy who hadn't attacked. That guy went off about how you cant attack the uncap unprovoked and would report if it continued. My friends backed off and that was the end of it.

So my question is: Who is right? Can you "shield" each other so there really is no counter play?
While I generally don't care about ucavs, mostly because I run with a squad of medics and we just pick each other back up, I do have a question regarding attacking the uncap to kill them.

I don't remember names as this was some time ago but a couple of my friends started mortaring the uncap to kill some people ucaving from spawn. They ended up killing a couple of them and after a while the ucavers started clumping together in the uncap and one of them just wouldn't attack. Naturally that clump got mortared and a couple of them died, including the guy who hadn't attacked. That guy went off about how you cant attack the uncap unprovoked and would report if it continued. My friends backed off and that was the end of it.

So my question is: Who is right? Can you "shield" each other so there really is no counter play?

They are attacking from the uncap, you can attack back into the uncap. There is no safe heaven spot. In this situation it would be ok.
With that, does this "dont fire into spawn unless fired upon" cover the mav user in the base? Am i allowed to fire or ucav a recon if I know for sure he/she is using a mav in the spawn?

What do you think the possibility would be of having another Infantry Only server that does not allow UCAVs if it were sponsored by (paid for) players. I know for sure, it would populate.
Hey Remy, I connected with you earlier on FB.

Our autobalance doesnt kill to move you, usually it moves after a death. As I consider you guys good fellas and you've been supportive for a while, I have added you to our whitelist.

I cant explain the intermittence with pack loss, but usually those things are temporary

What true and Irish said earlier has validity to them so I wont repeat it lol.

As far as your last point. We allow all weapons in the server. If you do see it being launched into your uncap, you can report it otherwise everything is fair game.

Thanks also for the support!

Last night in the infantry only server our whole squad was having stutter issues and lag. We are all over the U.S. It was the last full game and it seemed to happen about 3 or 4 times.
Sorry, I dont believe this is possible. We just had to cut down on our servers.

Also, we have always been an all weapons server.
Hey Remy, I connected with you earlier on FB.

Our autobalance doesnt kill to move you, usually it moves after a death. As I consider you guys good fellas and you've been supportive for a while, I have added you to our whitelist.

I cant explain the intermittence with pack loss, but usually those things are temporary

What true and Irish said earlier has validity to them so I wont repeat it lol.

As far as your last point. We allow all weapons in the server. If you do see it being launched into your uncap, you can report it otherwise everything is fair game.

Thanks also for the support!
Matt, we have seen it several times on the Air and Naval Strike, an active live player in a vehicle getting killed for balance. It only seems to happen when the balance gets way off. I also have seen the insta kill at the beginning of a round and that may be fro the DDOs or Procon being attacked,
Just happened on air and sea to Vespa, around this time
May 12, 2020 5:56:08 pm 9
United States[FU] VespaVolo I guess the server did it for me
Maybe the actual plugin has gone old and crazy now. I am using a new one i haven't tried in years, may need some tweaking but let me know how it goes now. Just for that server.