[TBG] Wins Against [XF]


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
1-1 First match, Second we won 2-0

Was tuff, they didnt dodge much, TV'er was decent.

Good game XF
Nice job the, I need to find a pilot so I can get back on the TWL.
I have no idea what any of the acronyms mean but good job on the win! :-)

from the cluttered DROID RAZR of bracketslash
2v2 Chopper match me and Griff had ... haha we always seem to blow it on the first round, even tho it was close.

We did say you can challenge us again, Bring it!

*BTW* posting excuses does not get you anywhere, just makes you look bad. If you have an issue with the server deal with it the adult way, dont complain half way through a match.

*20:04:40] 1ncantation > fuken laggy pos server man
[20:04:43] 1ncantation > no offense
[20:04:47] waflz813 > u have 50 piong
[20:04:48] aGriff805 > lol
[20:04:50] 1ncantation > flying into ground
[20:04:58] aGriff805 > sounds like a user error
[20:05:03] 1ncantation > ever heard of server lag? where server doesn't have resources available to run the stuff
[20:05:04] aGriff805 > 3-4 ready
[20:05:11] aGriff805 > ever heard of whinning?
[20:05:20] waflz813 > ur winning relax
[20:05:20] 1ncantation > hence my question earlier about wherther the server shares resources with your pub server
[20:05:26] aGriff805 > they dont.
[20:05:32] waflz813 > LOLOL
[20:05:34] 1ncantation > i have crashed into the ground twice
[20:05:39] waflz813 > u honstly think
[20:05:43] waflz813 > we run 5 servers off 1 box
[20:05:46] aGriff805 > where is your server then we can start this all over
[20:05:49] 1ncantation > look you clearly don't care what i say so nevermind
[20:05:52] aGriff805 > if you really want.
[20:05:55] waflz813 > ur blaming lag
[20:06:04] aGriff805 > excuses are a sign of weakness..
[20:06:07] 1ncantation > for hitting ground? yea i flew into the mountain
[20:06:12] 1ncantation > ok, nevermind
[20:06:14] aGriff805 > ya i saw it in the TV
not really into pissing matches waflz. you say i didn't dodge much. the vid was my response to that.

i did throw in a "no offense" because i wasn't meaning to be offensive. this is one of many examples where things didn't make sense, and it got frustrating. and i'm human.

before deleting your comment, you say i flew into the ground. the vid quite clearly shows that we were hit, and there wasn't a prior shot fired from you that hit us so it's impossible that we hit the ground --- otherwise you wouldn't have received credit for the kill, yes? --- ;)