

Registered User
Nov 18, 2012
Just curious but I see several members adding Tc to the front of their names and wondered what it is all about?
TA-50: Field equipment
TAP: Transition Assistance Program
TC: Truck Commander
TDRL: Temporary Disability Retirement List
TDY: Temporary Duty
TIG: Time In Grade
TLA: Temporary Living Allowance
TLE: Temporary Lodging Entitlement
TRADOC (tray-doc): Training and Doctrine Command
TSM: Transition Services Manager
TSP: Thrift Savings Plan
TTAD: Temporary Tour Active Duty

That's what the wives say.

edit: doesnt make much sense though... renno...truck...airplanes...parachutes... SFC maybe? o.O
There are only two in the group that I know of with Tc in it and that's because they have know each other for a very long time.
ah ok, makes sense now :) -- well just let me drive the MAA and you've got an unstoppable juggernaugt. Seems legit.
Me and Griff were shooting each other with TV's yesterday lol!
dude!!!! hey sgm, if the SNakepit doesnt have jet support, I will ALWAYS provide CAS for my MAA(especially if i have COMMS with him)!!!!! <3 I will drop what im doing and scoop to your six if anything come MAA way! Just as long as you can swat those pesky bees buzzing around me away from my head!!!!!
I love using the AA, but i can never find the dam thing :(
griff did that shit last night with his cannon...i was like WTF!!!!!!!!!! it was about 275-300m Away!