Teamspeak 3 server moved back, Port Number is no longer needed to connect UPDATE BOOKMARKS


Mar 6, 2011
First and Foremost
The port number 6200 is no longer needed to connect. Connecting to the old port will no longer be supported at the end of the year though may still work no guarantees. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS NOW so you don't have to do it later.

Server has been moved back to the NY data center. There has been no attack since the router firmware was updated.

Please let us know in a few days if the server is worse than it was in Dallas. Prior to the attacks there were complaints of latency issues. We had a few days in Dallas give it a few days in NY tell us how it is.

Backup Server
A small capacity backup server at will probably be up in the next 48 hours. I will be working on a new implementation of the TS3 Status Viewer to support 2 servers. Time frame is mostly dependent on me getting my linux server back to normal operation so that it will be available. In the future the backup server will actually reside elsewhere.

Server was also updated to 3.0.9, changes made to the server while in Dallas do not exist in NY. Old avatars are back, files etc. As far as the port situation right now I am using TSDNS to allow for the default connection to go to the servers port 6200. However I have not been able to achieve the opposite. TSDNS doesn't seem to allow for it and netsh portproxy does not work with UDP. As always still looking into this. Easier on fucking linux anyways...
So we can just delete the port number for the connection address and we'll still connect okay? Sounds good to me :)
Need the HA back on my name. It went away with the update.
So we can just delete the port number for the connection address and we'll still connect okay? Sounds good to me :)

Yup. Basically all connections with no port number will now be forwarded. In the future we will actually switch to using no port natively.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 4
Sounds good and great job Rain. On another note I'm not sure if ts supports it, but the back up server could be set up to automatically take over if the main fails. I'll see if I can find anything for that.
Sumtin tells me everyones experience in new york is coming back as S H I T T Y :p

Okay fine ill stop working on procon oh wait no choice there. Getting TS back to dallas asap.