TeamSpeak Updates


Registered User
Mar 23, 2011
Is this mandatory that we update every month? Seems a little out of the ordinary to be updating TS when it keeps asking to update. Some people update/updated and they sound like robots or someshit. Do we need to do this every month? I haven't updated and choose to not update. It's the same shit in my honest option. I'm getting sick of these updates every month.
They only sound like robots because you have not updated. Nobody else hears that except for yourself. Update, save yourself the trouble.

Edit: everything eventually updates, get over it-shit changes it's a part of life.
Yes you do need to update if everyone else has. Not sure what their problem is with making updates that are not compatible with the previous version. It is annoying to say the least. Normally programs don't require updates this frequently either. If I bothered to read the release notes I would have more info on why they keep updating, but off the top of my head I would say it is fixing bugs/glitches, etc. etc..

Also I think if you update (or don't update) and people sound like fish you can change the codec.
Cool. Look's like I will be updating than. just wanted to post this up for others to see just in case if they have any questions about it, it's here. might as well make this into a sticky.