
Already seen that trailer a month ago.

Huge fan of the franchise and how this franchise introduced a really plausible concept but terminator movies haven't been great since T2
The terminator show that llasted only for 2 seasons was okay but only left more questions than answers.
I'm hoping this reboot brings back some life to the franchise

I thought the last scene in the trailer was retarded using himself as a missile lol really?
Salvation wasn't really that bad at all but you're right T2 was the best. I never watched the show... This movie is really hard to fully grasp with the changes and the old ass Arnold running around with gray hair ? Hmm mixed feelings on this new Terminator..i'll wait for a bootleg fuck spending money on seeing it.
T2 may have rights to being the greatest sequel of all time. Sure nothing beyond that could live up to that. Each has their own traits.

A shame the Terminator never really moved to Video Games well.
