The lates post from The Political Blender

Today's article is about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the shenanigans that have been unfolding there for the past two years. The Chairman is stepping down amid tons of controversy and the new nominee is basically a clone of the Chairman stepping down. We are still 25 years from having long term storage for the nuclear waste that is piling up at our reactor sites by the tens of thousands of tons despite the tens of billions of dollars in taxes we have spent to dispose of it. An interesting tale of woe, sorrow and incompetence lightly salted with poignant jabs at political incompetence and ideologies triumph over science. Also Renno the last line of the article is just for you...

Nuclear Shame, America’s Continuing Failure To Address Nuclear Waste Disposal | The Political Blender
Again it's been too long but finally got around to writing another article, this one is somewhat heavy but I didn't get too deep in the weeds I don't think. Also this is the first new article since I changed the layout of the site (thanks for the help Soulzz). If you have been to my site before let me know if you like this version or the old version better, I'm pretty split on it. Thanks again everyone!

Deficit Spending, A History Of Irresponsible Government - The Political Blender