The Perfect Thing To Say When You Accidentally Shoot Yourself In The Leg


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
In this NSWFish video, here at the NO.K. Corral, Wyatt Derp goes for the Darwin Award and the wins the Dumb Bitch Award by losing a high noon showdown to a damn paper target! Yes, a bullet to the leg by your own hand hurts something bad, but a bullet full of dumb to the ego hurts even more. If paper target people could shit, that one would've left a serious shredded mess from laughing so hard at all of this. To his credit though, that target did kill a man earlier the same day, so Doc Hollowleg knew he had to be quick. Unfortunately, Yosemite Shame was so trigger happy he couldn't even wait TILL HE WASN'T AIMED AT HIMSELF to shoot. And the rest, my gunslinging friends, is knee-reconstructive history. (In my mind it was the first case of doctors purposefully installing a knee backwards to teach some dumbf*** a lesson)

Watch This Idiot Accidentally Shoot Himself In the Leg

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