There any list of exceptions?


Registered User
Dec 8, 2014
Hello! Im new here...

The reason for this consultation is because I've been playing a lot of time on their servers, but lately I've had problems with some expulsions.

I'm from Argentina, so I usually play with a high ping, but always within the "acceptable" (190/200 ms).

Since a few days ago, servers throw me a script about 180 ping, and I am surprised because sometimes just did when my connection exceeded 220 ms.

I wonder if there is any way that I put on a list of exceptions (if any), because I would like to continue playing in them because to me they are the best and most stable.

I hope you can understand me, excuse my bad English.
Thank you very much.

I am sorry, but we have been experiencing some server issues and dropped the ping kicker slightly to help alleviate the issues. It may or may not stay at the current setting as we are playing with options to get things running smoothly again so you can keep trying, but there is no exception list. Thanks for frequenting the server, but we have to get our settings working smoothly.
Thank you very much for your reply, hopefully soon be able to solve those problems and then it was before, as many friends play there and I can not.

The server in question is ALL BF4 Rush-30MAPS... Is that I like.

Again thank you very much and hope to come back soon.

The issue was only with our locker server as far as I can tell. I can't adjust the ping or add you to the whitelist for this server because we are testing to see if this helps with lag and our main concern is fixing the performance for local players. The other servers I voluntarily lowered all of them to 160. Those servers never had any lag issues so I would not mind adding you to the list but only for the server not related to locker.

I've added you to the rush server only.
Those servers never had any lag issues so I would not mind adding you to the list but only for the server not related to locker.

I've added you to the rush server only.

Thank you very much for your understanding.
As you can see from the statistics, is the server that I will dedicate more hours.
I hope not cause problems with this, because in my country there RUSH servers and others are very unstable.

Hopefully soon they can solve their problems because all the servers you are very good.
Thank you very much again and sent a greeting to the distance!

Sorry for my bad english, Again! :)