So wait you pick the night its doing the worst is has in the last few days to comment on how well its doing? On the 7th through the 9th it was 29th. Its going back down and it will probably shoot back up. 50 is about average for that server during october. I screen cap the front page daily.
November 3rd it was 22nd and Armored Kill was 26th while Metro which is now 15th was 77th. B2K is within its normal range 20 to 120 and I read comments everyday about "how well it does". B2K is the server that does well and is popular with everyone except most of our members AKA we pay for shit that we don't play on but it keeps our self esteem and public image up
We would probably ban 60% of that servers population if we kept a better eye on it and could sift through the hackers pc's. Whatever is popular with the German and Russian kiddies will stay populated 24/7.
I dont mind b2k. What I like the most about the expansion pack maps is the fast load time. Takes about 3 minutes for me to load the vanilla stock maps opposed to around 30 seconds for the newer maps.