This looks so scary and so fun at the same time....

That was cool. I always wanted to go skydiving. There is a place not to far from where i am it costs about $200 per dive.
those sailplanes cost 18 dollars per 2000 minutes. go for a sailplane.
I could only imagine the veiw from up there! Not sure if I would have the guts though...
I wanna sky dive...
...from a plane I'm piloting... in a hot air balloon that is unmanned...
...then bungee jump from the balloon until my head dips in a river...
...then put my chute back on and skydive to a raft floating down the river... I'll repack my chute, go over a waterfall, and skydive down to a kayak...
...once I land in the kayak I'll go over another waterfall in the kayak, no chute.

All this will be done at night.