This sucks


Registered User
Jul 25, 2015
The first year we moved to Tennessee we bought a plant-able Christmas tree and after 20 years of growth it was 50 ft tall big and beautiful. Due to the ice and snow it fell over last night. Now the thing isnt even good for firewood. Time to move on ..... UGH
It snapped off at the base the ice was to top heavy.


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So you had an ice storm or was that from regular snow weight?
It was both snow and ice. It started with rain then turned to ice rain then it snowed 8inches .. that sealed its fate
+That xmas tree was 4ft tall when we bought it the first year we moved here and grew to at least 50ft tall. Now its not worth to much of anything
I havent counted the downed trees but what I just can see at first glance I bet 10 or so are down. I have 22 acres almost all in woods so unknown amount are down. You could hear branches and trees falling all night long. The pine was just our favorite one.
My question is why would you let it grow to 50 ft of its a Christmas tree? 8 ft max the chop chop and plant a new one.