If you're not using keepass, you should be. Use a combination of a large key file (can be some public file on the internet that you know is not gonna change), a decent passphrase and a good number of permutations - store the key along with the .kdbx on a USB drive. I know what you're thinking "what's the point" of having the key file right there? The point is that it provides "salt" for the passphrase so it makes it much, much more difficult to crack.
It's inconvenient as fuck, but I've never felt so good about not getting pwnd (easily). I also store my crypto wallet backups within the container.
"The Password" of the 90s is dead and gone. People either don't give a fuck about their security (i.e. leaving the front door open), or haven't realized how vulnerable they are.
BTW I set my newly generated passwords to expire in a month (it has that feature), so I'm constantly rotating passwords as well - especially on more secure things like email and bank accounts. You should too. Inconvenient as fuck, but secure.