Tips for larger maps?


Registered User
Jan 17, 2013
Hey guys, I've got a few questions if someone doesn't mind dropping a few tips/advice.

Basically, since I've been playing I've been pretty much hanging out in Metro. Great for fast XP and stuff but I get the strong feeling it really does nothing much for improving overall skill in the game. Correct me on that if I'm wrong. Additionally I would like to be a more rounded out player. Effective in all environments as opposed to only one. The benefits are obvious.

I've tried a few of the larger maps but get absolutely destroyed. I tend to avoid them right now as I hate dropping out of games, but running around trying to sort things out for 40 minutes while getting shot from every direction, it gets old. Anyway to the point. Is there any type of tips or tutorials floating around that are worth while looking into? Does anyone here at TBG do "training" runs at all? Any good breakdowns of maps out there? Key tactical points?

I mainly play the medic or support role. Is there a particular class I should focus on more or less?

I'm guessing being in a good squad with good comms is always key in every map but at the same time I see so many "lone wolves" running around seemingly doing quite well. It begs the question, what am I missing?

For the time being I would imagine just getting out there and not worrying so much about a KDR is pretty huge but I'm open to advice always.

See you out there and thanks for taking a read.

first stop worrying about kdr, then polish your moves and the kdr will come by itself, if you need chopper tips, we have some people... tank tips from me if needed. right now im off to sleep though
i play medic about 95% of the time. if you want to up your gun skill hop in a tdm server, i perfer the canals map my self and like to play with 20-30 people. i dont enjoy the big maps because im more into the ground pounding.. check out my load out, the m416 is probably the best gun in the game, and its the only gun i have ever used.

Loadout - D04K - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

^there my load out, check it out it might help set you up better
Thanks so far guys. D04K.. how did I never use that weapon?? Enjoying it so far.
I'm able to teach you how to fly with jets if you would like too. I like to be a all-type-environment player in the game.
Any good breakdowns of maps out there? Key tactical points?

You can hunt around on the 'net for map guides, but I've found that experience and practice are more useful than anything. Specifically you want to learn to avoid the hot zones in each map. To do that means you need to know where they are. Hot zones are, by definition, the areas where most of the clashes happen. Each map has them because people are generally predictable. Through practice, you'll learn where they are in each map (and you're going to get killed a lot while you learn), and how to avoid them.

I mainly play the medic or support role. Is there a particular class I should focus on more or less?

Play whatever works for you. I always play an engi because that works best for me. It may not for you though. Again: it's an experience thing that will tell you that.

I see so many "lone wolves" running around seemingly doing quite well. It begs the question, what am I missing?

The lone wolves aren't helping their teams in the least. The Battlefield series have made it very difficult, if not impossible, for a lone wolf player to win the game for his team. And that's precisely the way it should be. Ignore the lone wolves; they'll be working on their KD ratio and losing the game.

For the time being I would imagine just getting out there and not worrying so much about a KDR is pretty huge but I'm open to advice always.

I have a negative KDR still, and I don't care in the least. Really. If all I played were SDM and TDM, then yes, I'd care. But I mainly play Conquest where a high KDR means: nothing. At all. Zip, zero, zilcho. What matters is capping and holding Control Points. That's what I focus on. Being able to shoot other players while doing that is just an added bonus. :)

I agree with D04K that if you want to work on your gun skills, go find a TDM server to play on. If you really want to work on your gun skills along with trying to avoid dying, then kick it up to Hardcore TDM. Warning though: you're going to get obliterated a lot.

As for vehicles: I'd ignore those for the time being, as well. Yes, you want to become competent in each of them if you can. But it's better to learn the maps and good strats first, before you add on the complexity of some of the vehicles.

Bear in mind though: you're getting this from a ground-pounder. My opinions should be weighed accordingly. ;)

Wow. Again guys, thanks for the advice.

JVP - I'm glad to hear that statement on the lone gunners out there. It struck me as quite odd to be honest to see it as I've always thought this game was more about team work rather than running and gunning with no real objective in mind. I do my best at the moment to support my squad mates in either a "support" or "medic" role. Vehicles I have been steering away from. It's a whole other aspect of the game. Seems very much like trying to run before you can even crawl lol.

Thanks again for the feedback so far folks!

RPG / Stinger Those 2 are your friend when your on the ground in the big maps.
I tend to prefer to rock the Burst fire weapons (KH2002 is a beast) they rock if you can aim. Running around with Jvp is probably a good idea, and always check around you.
I also like to get up and close with sniper rifles while moving with a squad, you have to be quick on the draw though and notice the littlest of details.
You will get better with time.
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