Trailer for my BF3 One Year Anniversary Montage.


Mar 6, 2011
Its taken longer than expected, but its almost here! Check out the awesome (I hope) trailer for my upcoming montage.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thanks to Bob, Sixer and Renno for the voice overs, As well as Mac, Rails and whoever else for putting up with me.

any of the music vid b-rolls make it in there?

Music videos were MotherMans gig though I dunno who else was involved but it wasn't me. I was the one wanting to do a film but pretty sure I hate the prospect these days. I put some funny stuff in the end in the "credits" most of it from the early days but not all.

Thanks guys for the support, its semi pro work and all pretty much basic editing. For the trailer I even broke out some noob stuff to avoid using the transitions from the actual montage. I am doing the best I can in the time frame I have. I watched an anniversary montage yesterday the intro on blew me away and its closer to what I had planned but still better. Threatty though I have to list as one of my inspirations for doing this at all and while I can do 3D modeling and chroma key work I do not have the time this year, maybe next one but either way hope to step my game up by then.

Definitely breaking out Adobe After Effects for the next one. My only regret is I waited so long to do a Montage that I actually have way too much decent footage and feel like that trying to squeeze every bit I can is taking away from some of the magic. Hopefully when its all timed and transitioned the magic will come back. But each section had 30 minutes worth of footage to pick from and 5 sections over 8 minutes meant less than 2 minutes a section average. Foot soldier and Attack chopper are the longest with Armor being the shortest.
Right on, Let me know if you need commentary or a voice :D
Bumping, tonight and tomorrow will be the last days I have to work on the real thing and then this sorry pos will be done. Can't wait to find some better music for the next one.