Tribes:Ascend is Out! Special Steam Pack Till July 4th!


Registered User
Jan 3, 2008
Go download Tribes:Ascend NAO! It's free!

With it, Steam is running 50% off (normally $19.99, now $9.99) of a stater pack.
Perfect for new players, the Steam Starter Pack includes:
  1. A lifetime 50% XP Boost
  2. , 4 Bonus Weapons for base classes
  3. 2 class unlocks
  4. 4 Perks
  5. 800 Tribes Gold
SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends July 4th!

Tribes: Ascend on Steam

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Played the Beta. Seemed like a bad version of Halo. Got better at it and found/unlocked the weapons I knew how to use it was alright. But somehow I don't like linear particle weapons when your shooting targets that can not be predicted as they are jet packing up down left and right at great distances.

They are all about that pay to win shit though. I usually do not complain about it but in this game it really is true. You can A spend a ton of time accumulating to get something you can buy right now for 4 bucks. Shit hours versus 4 bucks... hmmm. How about I put this cocaine down and go play something else :p