US Army: Women to be allowed into combat "with chaperones"


Registered User
Aug 19, 2011
Looks like a good idea.

<iframe frameborder="no" width="480" height="270" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe><br /><a href=",18978/" target="_blank" title="Army Program Pairs Female Soldiers With Male Chaperones">Army Program Pairs Female Soldiers With Male Chaperones</a>
but if that's for real, one of my female friends will probably marry me for a green card... lol. (marksman)
but if that's for real, one of my female friends will probably marry me for a green card... lol. (marksman)

Heh Onion News is a well known satire news site. Everything they do is tongue in cheek.

One of my favorites:

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I am all for women being allowed in combat. If a woman wants to be in an infantry position then she should be allowed. They allow women to be combat pilots, so whats wrong with them being allowed in combat on the ground?

I watched a thing a while back called Two Weeks In Hell on Discovery. It was about special forces (Green Barret, I believe...) and there were 0 women in the group. Are women not allowed to be special forces?