Want to lose a little faith in humanity?

Theory of evolution debunked once again. Clearly we are not getting smarter. That or he has a jerk "friend" that tied him to it instead. Murder charges anyone?
what happend to just sitting around and smoking dope all day, god these kids are retards.
Oh my. Speechless.

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some damn fine articles in this thread, lol.

It's not humanity that's getting dumber, it's the amount of idiots that's getting higher.
Fuck humanity, those humanoids are gonna eat an asteroid or comet... soon enough. :)
Darwinism will work itself out. Or it wont, but in that case, we as humans deserve it.
I lost faith a long time ago. Sad thing is they are allowed to breed.

If someone can't hold their breath for 10 seconds they likely belong on an oxygen tank 24 hours a day.

What I love is the idiot who they linked in the article for this video -
The Baltimore Harbor Tunnel is not the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel, just fucking saying. If were going off connected waterways might as well call every tunnel on the east cost the "Atlantic Ocean Tunnel".