Weapons Everywhere: Hiding Guns In Plain Sight


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
Because nobody needs their friends accidentally shooting each other because you left your gun out on the kitchen counter, Tactical Walls builds inconspicuous gun safes so you can hide your weapons in plain sight, where they're readily available. The safes use special magnetic keys to unlock though, so you're going to need to have that handy if shit hits the fan. Still beats fumbling with a combination lock. Dammit, I can't never remember if I'm supposed to spin right or left first. Depending on the model of Tactical Wall you order, your guns are either placed in foam padding, or stuck directly to the rear magnetic wall. Me? I keep my gun where it belongs -- in my pants. "You're talking about your penis, aren't you?" You're damn right I am. As far as I know I'm the only one in history who's ever showed up to a gun fight packing nothing but a boner and still won.