Alright the text vector is done. This time I am working at a higher resolution than the source logo for the vector. This will provide details present in the font not actually in our logo. Rendered at lower resolutions they wont be present. No one will notice and theyre not meant to.
As before I dont have the proper font for gaming. I was told it was Eurocaps but last time I messed with it I could not get it anywhere near right. It appeared at one point to be a commercial font called Microgramma Extended. The closest free one is Waukegan Extended. Looks good enough to me.
If you want to attempt it yourself here are the photoshop instructions for the main bit:
- Font is DJ Gross
- Born is not rotated but True is rotated -5 degrees. Both use a font spacing of -75.
- At the original size (old banner) the font size is 61. Use Born to set your font size then perform the rotation on True.
- Gaming is up to you.
Next up is to draw a vector of the fireball. The original the artist used as i stated in the past this image with modifications. I just found out today its actually a common stock vector.
Originally I traced this shape. But the modifications to the shape to fit it inside the lettering was not quite straight foward. This time I will trace the fireball in the header image instead. I recommend coloring it a very very dark orange and then using the lighting effects filter to give it the color gradient. The last complication is the O needs to be cut.
The completed logo has lighting effects applied to it as well. I never decided the settings for it.