What's this? Onto other game!


Registered User
Apr 14, 2009
You're cold and tired. You have a Makarov with one mag, a bandage and a flash light. You know that shooting will draw unwanted attention to yourself but you need to find food and shelter soon. And the only way to do that is to venture into the city. But "they" are in the cities. Survival makes up your mind for you. And you go.

If eeking out an existence in the zombie apocalypse sounds like a good time to you then DayZ: Origins is the game for you. Scrounge for better weapons, food and the supplies to build your own bases. All while fighting or avoiding zombies, bandits and AI.

TL:DR get arma 2/operation arrowhead and DayZ/DayZ: Origins and help us wipe out the bandits on our server
Great game!!! If you want to know more about the game jump on ts and talk to either farstar or myself. :D
or, you know, your buddy who you just drove across the island to rescue leaves you stranded in the largest city with only 3 AK mags and a can of coke...
Hey what better way to learn what to do and not do by being stranded. Maybe this will teach you to not pick up EVERYTHING in sight
Fair enough! But when I get bum rushed by zombies in the middle of the city because my ak is so damn loud. Your driving me back to my corpse!
Only if there hasnt been a server restart. And run into buildings use the doorway to funnel them. Aim for the head. Short controlled bursts or single shot. Ak's don't attract them like like larger calibers
I left the buggy in a pine tree on the edge of the woods we camp in. If approaching the barn from Kryvo, it is in a pine tree to the left hand side (091058, 091057, and 090157). As well as the buggy there is a functioning fire truck with a good amount of fuel hidden in our original pine stand (088191). I am leaving them separate so that they both are not stolen, and because I need sleep!
Ok as of 1200 I have taken all the supplies out of the buggy save a few (food flares and chem lights) and put them In my house.. I laid the foundation for a Small Garage which will not hold a ural but does give me Lvl 1 house storage and we can place the buggy or several motorcycles in it. I will leave the vehicles in roughly the same spot when I log. I will need you guys to look for more reenforcing materials and cement bags(i have 4 of each left and need 11 more of each to finish the garage which the foundation will have "cured" by the time I get home)... plus picks I broke 3 and only got 61 rock of which I used 25 (still need 135 total and only have 36 left)...

*edit* As of 1400 est I died once (thanks to Ivan) and made it back to my body. All vehicles are back where Tasty left them. I think that the Sever Restart negates the 24 ingame requirement for letting the foundation dry... I tried for shits and grins to build level 2 and all it said was "not enough materials" and I couldnt find another reenforced material before having to log... so we will have to try it later with a house for Tasty and Anton. I logged ontop of the industrial area we were in last night Anton.
Okay good job guys. Thanks tasty for putting the buggy in the woods for me :) I personally think we should put a fleet of motorcycles in the small garage lol because they all hold some gear plus this means we can all take one each and scout out for goods a lot faster. Hopefully i will be able to get on later tonight (When i usually get on) and build my lvl 1 house. After that i think we should g Dr.Ivan hunting and get some lvl 2 hero blueprints becase we really need them considering we have two hero lvl 3 blueprints.
Where did you guys hide the cars today me and 2tartu made it back to camp from seven but I couldn't find any vehicles
Anton if you see this check the server to see if the vehicles re-spawned we need to get up to the docks and get the buggy back.
oh and Rain the requirements shouldn't be bad at all the server is supposed to restart every two hours for clutter on the memory, I know I've hosted 8 people on my POS Core 2 Duo in Arma 3 without any problems and this is Arma 2
Ok you Idiotsdidnt move the vehicles.. gun truck is in a tree near where the Praga and APC were... APC is in the pines next to Antons foundation and the Praga I moved to an Island up north cause thats all the time I had...
the vehicles were still not spawned at 7:30am! I had to sleep lol