
May 30, 2014
Hello everyone,

If anyone noticed, sorry for my prolonged absence. It's been a hell of a year. Got married and have a baby on the way now, due in September. I didn't have anyplace to set up my desktop, since my game room is now the nursery. I've been saving to purchase a nice laptop to game on, and I just got it the other day. So, you guys should see me around again. I hope everyone is still doing good and still around. I'll be on/off TS3 in the evenings/weekends to get my game time in before the baby boy is on the way. See you guys soon.

We took the family to a clinic that does HD ultrasounds to see the baby. So i'll leave some photos.

Gabriel Vincent Gregory

The laptop I picked up is a GL702VS-DS74. I tossed in a 960 PRO and it's pretty awesome. I7-7700, 1070, 120hz 1080P screen.
Hello, it's nice to see you back in action with us. Let us know when your newest family member spawns in. :)

Welcome back!
Hey Choc, just asked about you the other day as a matter of fact. Good to see you're still alive. Congrats on the new family brother. Hope to catch up soon. Cool laptop by the way, I'd like to know how that works fore ya. Out.
Hey Choc, just asked about you the other day as a matter of fact. Good to see you're still alive. Congrats on the new family brother. Hope to catch up soon. Cool laptop by the way, I'd like to know how that works fore ya. Out.

Thanks man,

I'll be on TS tonight or tomorrow. The laptop is pretty kick ass. I've been playing some bf3/4 and it's holding ultra settings around 90-110ish fps. So I'm happy with it. They go for about $2,000. I picked mine up for $1,500 and had a $450 credit on my Amazon account. So I made out well. Is everyone stuck on BF1 now?