When is the new patch?(if there is one to begin with)


Registered User
Feb 2, 2013
Is there a new patch coming out for NS2 anytime soon?I really hope so.If anyone knows that would be cool to know !
Yes, there is. Nobody knows when exactly, but there might be derpings on the forums. I haven't been on there recently, but usually the playtesters will allude to whether there are major problems with the patch and overall how playtesting is going sometimes. I would expect it by the end of next week, maybe thu-fri. They only said it will be in the "second half of February" (most likely, of course)...

Among other things (balance/fixes/optimizations/derps), the patch will feature the OMGNEW things:
- gorge tunnels
- railguns (mounted on exo? modular exos? wtf exos are shit?)
- babblers (they were accidentally leaked by hugh on a playtest video, and they kinda look moderately useless and die in one shot (10 or less damage)).
- descent map
Might be nice if Gorges hyrdas were reduced to 2 Pres.
For Exos, maybe they could mod it so they have the same armor, but take less dmg from certain sources. Ei)Skulk hits them for 75 full hit, maybe down to 60 on a full hit, whereas the Onos will still do its full dmg.