Where are the servers for all the DLC for BF4?


Registered User
Dec 15, 2013
I only know of one server and that is Locker/Metro.

For example the Navel Strike server.
Just do a search for TBG in the filter and favourite them all. Just leave the ranked flag on.
Yesterday I had a terrible time finding the new server tried the tbg trick flagged all the stuff no results. I think it is the search engine. I finally just searched for a 64 man server running the game type and found it.
Those are all of our public servers. Perhaps we should have the links on the website somewhere? Any ideas Rain?
The reason your having trouble finding them is if you do not check "none" for available slots the full servers will not show up. NOOBS!
The alternative is also unchecking all the boxes for slots.
Nope did that, actually both, I might have something selected and don't know it, I just gave up and found it another way.