Where do you fit in?

According to this I was 3,567,139,724th. It's a gross approximation since they don't and can't include the time of birth or the births not recorded so these are more like statistical aggregated estimates.
When you were born, you were the:4,647,765,553rdperson alive on Earth 79,353,646,669th person to have lived since history began
When you were born, you were the:5,489,259,465th person alive on Earth
80,670,168,356th person to have lived since history began

also noticed alot of people started banging in the 1960s, cocaine a hell of a drug.
4,294,106,308th Come on. That puts me around Sixer and he's old as fuck ;p The last one is funny because my grandma is 94 and the people in my family haev gone over 110. Not saying that I'm going to live that long but should make it to 80-85?

You were the 4,294,106,308th person
Your country's population is 310,383,948
Average life expectancy is 75.4 years