WHOAH, Old lady plows through grocery store. Straight through people. GRAPHIC!


Mar 6, 2011
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/h14UNm6yaWM?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Start at 25 seconds.

I mean youve seen videos of people driving cars through buildings. People are usually missed or minor injuries. The MOMENT this car comes through the door it takes a bench full of people and a baby in a stroller along for the ride.

WTF! I also love how people run for their lives from the registers.... after the car has already made it past them. Unless everyone was running for help.... dont think so.

That shit is crazy. Maybe I am desensitized but cars coming through buildings... kind of a regular occurrence here. If your far away from it I wouldn't be standing down on register 10 like "OMG OMG OMG, Like that almost hit me" like the blondie or whatever she is. The lady at the first register is pretty lucky had the car gone any more right i mean she was leaned down head ready to get smacked.
dude..wtf...fuck everyone else I hope by some miracle that baby survived...
man that was fucked! i laughed till i saw the baby get hit, wonder if it was ok?
According to the description, nobody died. So it's ok to laugh I guess, though my reaction remains the same. Fucking hell.