Why was I kicked???


Registered User
Jan 23, 2009
I joined up yesterday {1/24/09} and the rules said to wear your clan tag and I did. I was questioned about this on a Highway Tampa Titan map today at 4:45PM CST and was kicked off for this. I don't understand why???????
you applied doesn't mean you got accepted. You need to read the policy carefully.
This is what you see when you apply
The submission of your application will be forwarded to our recruitment Forums! Please check your application in our "I want to Join -|TBG|-" forum for our responses and replies! All applicants must wait two weeks after posting their application to be accepted. During these two weeks please make yourself available on Ventrilo and in the forums so we can get to know you. At the end of the two weeks you will be informed if you're accepted or not. If you were denied you can re-apply but the limit for applying is 2 times in total.

I will remove the ban, please make sure you understand how the recruitment policy works.

Thank you.