Wish Me Luck...


Registered User
Dec 10, 2010
Well, Wifey pretty much spent the weekend running between the bed and the bathroom. She runs the biz office at a nursing home ( that also has a daycare attached to it ) so she's caught just about every bug, virus, etc. that can make you sick over the last ten years. The thing is, because she's been so exposed to that stuff, her immune system has defenses like NORAD by now. So, when something really hits her, it's usually something very bad.

And who is usually the very next one to get hit with it? I skated by the past few days in blissful ignorance pretty much convinced that if I didn't think about it, it might not happen. Wellllllllll... I'm currently fighting off the dizziness and nausea as I type this and continue trying to pretend I can face this shit head on. All the while something in the back of my mind is screaming for me put on a seat-belt and get ready...

So, me thinks I won't be around adding my illustrative words of wisdom to the site for a few days. [sarcasm]Now, don't panic, you guys did OK before I came along, so I'm sure you can manage a few days without me.[/sarcasm] But please just do me one favor while I'm away...

Wish me luck, cause I fucking hate getting sick, and me thinks this is gonna be a doozey.
Ugh. I hope you feel better soon. The last time I had something like that was when I was a Paramedic. I got so dizzy that I fell down so much, even on my hands and knees. I finally managed to get the phone, dragged myself into the shower and my brother brought over 4 64oz gatorades for me. I think I spent 2 days in the shower stuff coming out of either end I'd just rinse off with the shower and go back to sleep. Good luck!
Good luck Crypt and I'm glad I 'm nowhere near you presently. LOL
Good luck with it, my wife had some earlier (her birthday even!) and it was 3 exits-no waiting. I wouldn't even stay in the same bedroom with her. I agree with Sixer's post - just hole up in the shower.
Shower is also great when wifey's at work and you are projecting liquids from every open orifice on your body. Shower cleans you up pretty easy and then cleans itself up pretty easy. Somebody deserves an award for that little invention.

And I needed plenty of showering. Fucking cousin of Ebola or some shit going around. I finally plugged all the leaks sometime last night and tonight is the first time I've kept down solid food. Actually, I was too scared to eat solid food until tonight. Tuesday night seemed like I was trying to vomit stuff up that I ate like three months ago. So, yesterday was sort of dietary PTSD day. She would ask if I wanted something to eat and I would just curl up in ball and start crying thinking about Tuesday night...

But, I'm bouncing back now. At least until I get back to school and see what all my professors have waiting for me. I'm guessing I'm probably not done with the crying just yet!