Woman kept 9 dogs with a mountain of shit reaching the window sill in her apartment (Estonia)


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011
This is some insane shit right here.

An old lady kept 9 dogs in her apartment and never let em out, instead she chose to allow the dogs shit in one room. the shit reached the window sill. The neighbors called the police after the shit started dripping through the ceiling and walls.

The dogs were taken away by animal protection but the woman legally owns the mountain of shit, refuses to move it and will not accept any help to move it. The only avenue is a lengthy court case (they last 3 years minimum here).

Some pics & video:
(Just turn on google translate for the text, it should work well enough to get the point across. the images speak for themselves though.)

I thought you were going to tell us this was your grandma or something.
I bow to your superior whit, sir.


Edit: and yes, I realize what I did with whit-that was intentional ;)
legally ownsa mountain of shit.....isn't there some sort of health/safety/hazmat laws against that?

**realater says, " There is one problem,".....exits stage left to the room, " This is the shittiest room in the house."
legally ownsa mountain of shit.....isn't there some sort of health/safety/hazmat laws against that?

**realater says, " There is one problem,".....exits stage left to the room, " This is the shittiest room in the house."

We have a no-jury system here, every law needs to be approved by parliament and signed by the president, adding a law like this has never come onto the agenda.
We have a no-jury system here, every law needs to be approved by parliament and signed by the president, adding a law like this has never come onto the agenda.
so nothing for health codes?
put that dumb cunt in jail, abandon the building or tare it down problem solved.
update: 10 bags full of drowned puppies were also found in the garden of the apartment.