[WoW] World Of Warcraft - Anyone else? (Oceanic-Thaurissan)


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011

i can already feel renno yelling nerd from over the pond, or commenting on the word dps, but it has happened.

my brother lured me back into WoW.

Currently were just leveling up and stuff like that, but if you wish to roll with me:

Section: Oceanic
Realm: Thaurissan
Guild: Incendiary
Name : Sindrinahk
not since they tried to pass an Easter egg as an entire expansion pack!
tell your brother to stop wasting his life on WoW and try Darkfall Online Holy Wars.

Darkfall Unholy Wars

1 server
pvp - u can kill someone and take all of there belongings..if you roam out of the safe areas you are fair game
you can build boats and go out and roam the seas - boat pvp if u wish - fish - fight the kraken
player housing
craft everything from armor to buildings for your city
player built cities were u and ur clan can wage war to take ownership of the city

or you can spend hours waiting for the afk priest to get back online to have a .00001% chance of getting that purple item you need to progress.

tell your brother to stop wasting his life on WoW and try Darkfall Online Holy Wars.

Darkfall Unholy Wars

1 server
pvp - u can kill someone and take all of there belongings..if you roam out of the safe areas you are fair game
you can build boats and go out and roam the seas - boat pvp if u wish - fish - fight the kraken
player housing
craft everything from armor to buildings for your city
player built cities were u and ur clan can wage war to take ownership of the city

or you can spend hours waiting for the afk priest to get back online to have a .00001% chance of getting that purple item you need to progress.


were sticking to wow until it bores us, after that will check that out :D
DFO is shite, tasos is not god! Archeage isn't bad, played the Korean beta for a while.
DFO is shit - this is darkfall unholy wars - they got it right this time - only thing is they are slowly putting in the extra content - ie dungeons.
I.... recently fell back into the pit that is WoW. Blizzard gave me a bunch of free game time, and recovered my old lvl 70 orc hunter, and gave me a free boost to the current level cap, as well as all the expansions before MoP... I'll prob be on Horde side of Hydraxis, but I also have a lvl 60 dwarf paladin on Dark Iron. Can't wait to log in and see all the special achievements I can get with all my old ass gear from Vanilla WoW days...
i cant do it! ive spent way to much time of my life in that game only to be dissapointed with gear score and a level cap on gear that has NO ceiling!
Just severed the umbilical cord last month after burning out on Heroic Throne of Thunder. BF3 has filled the gap for now.
I fucking hate this shit... I'm sucked back in, Orc hunter on Hydraxis. Can't stop playing... someone save me....
I fucking hate this shit... I'm sucked back in, Orc hunter on Hydraxis. Can't stop playing... someone save me....

Ill admit i have played recently on stormrage. Before the truck job though that has kept me from home since feb 20th
ran out of game time... must...buy...more...
I tried to get sucked back into the black hole of WoW. Got the trial for Panadaria, lvled my panada to 74 before I ran out of time. Never logged on again. I don't know if the game is worse or if it has just lost it's magic for me, but I just can't get back into it.
I'd come back to it but.. I can't. I had WoW bad. Multi-boxed 5 accounts... Turned into Cartman a few times I'm sure, except it was the wife I was hailing to bring me my shit bucket. Good luck to you! ;)
Some serious gamers in this community..