WTF is a Walkman?

Yup... I remember that! Headbanger's Ball on MTV? Before it went to hell. Saturday nite's at midnight I think.
When I have a kid I am now going to buy them a walkman and they can work their way up to current technology...

Kids are a bunch of lazy, impatient, gotta have it now generation
My dad told me in 7th or 8th grade, "Don't buy CD's, digital tapes are the future". LMFAO Hope he was just drunk
Blockbuster had a chance to fund Netflix, the company that eventually led to their downfall but they passed thinking it would never catch on.
Ah Blockbuster. I remember takin the kids there Friday nites and pizza.

I still buy Cd's. I am not onto the mp3 wagon yet. I still have my vinyl records (Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Kiss, Maiden) I remember my father must have had 1000's of 45's. Good old days.

Hell I just got a "smart phone" a month ago. I fuckin hate it. :)