Yet another reason to smoke some more Pot


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
Marijuana versus Aspirin. If both were legal which would you choose? - Yahoo! Answers

Marijuana side effects and dangers:

-The dangers of marijuana include possible respiratory problems caused by the deposition of burnt plant material on the lungs. This danger can be eliminated with alternate forms of consumption such as eating or vaporizing the medicine.
-For two to four hours, marijuana causes short-term memory loss, a slight reduction in reaction time, and a reduction in cognitive ability. These conditions DO NOT persist after the herb wears off.
-Creative Impulse
-0 Mortality Rate

Aspirin side effects and dangers:

-When taken with alcohol, aspirin can cause stomach bleeding.
-Reye Syndrome in children: fat begins to develop around the liver and other organs of the child, eventually putting severe pressure on the brain. Death is common within a few days.
-People with hemophilia can die.
-People with hyperthyroidism suffer elevated T4 levels.
-Stomach problems include dyspepsia, heartburn, upset stomach, stomach ulcers with gross bleeding, and internal bleeding leading to anemia.
-Dizziness, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, vertigo, vision disturbances, and headaches.
-Heavy sweating
-Irreversible liver damage
-Inflamation and gradual destruction of the kidneys
-Nausea and vomiting
-Abdominal pain
-Dyspepsia: a gnawing or burning stomach pain accompanied by bloating, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and burping.
-Tachypnea: Abnormally fast breathing
-Respiratory Alkalosis: a condition where the amount of carbon dioxide found in the blood drops to a level below normal range brought on by abnormally fast breathing.
-Cerebral Edema: Water accumulates on the brain. Symptoms include headaches, decreased level of consciousness, loss of eyesight, hallucinations, psychotic behavior, memory loss and coma. If left untreated, it can lead to death.
-Hallucinations, confusion, and seizure.
-Prolonged bleeding after operations or post-trauma for up to 10 days after last aspirin.
-Aspirin can interact with some other drugs, such as diabetes medication. Aspirin changes the way the body handles these drugs and can lead to a drug overdose and death.
-It is used as an analgesic to relieve minor aches and pains.
-Used as an antipyretic to reduce fever.
-Used as an anti-inflammatory medication.
-Aspirin is used in long-term, low doses to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and blood clot formation in people at high risk for developing blood clots.
-It has also been established that low doses of aspirin may be given immediately after a heart attack to reduce the risk of another heart attack or of the death of cardiac tissue.
-For 50-year-old men, taking an aspirin every day to prevent heart disease and stroke carries a risk of 10.4 deaths per 100,000 men per year over and above their overall death risk.
Bear in mind that the side effets on Aspirin have been vigorously tested and clinically trialled. Cannabis has no been through this process. This is what i found on a quick google search

The effects

The effects of cannabis vary:
Some people may feel chilled out, relaxed and happy, while others have one puff and feel sick.
Others get the giggles and may become talkative.
Hunger pangs are common and are known as 'getting the munchies'.
Users may become more aware of their senses or feel that time is slowing down. These feelings are due to its hallucinogenic effects.
A stronger joint (typically when skunk or sinsemilla is used) may have more powerful effects. Some users may moderate these effects by using less cannabis. Others may find it becomes tempting to binge smoke.
Getting hooked

As with other drugs, dependence on cannabis is influenced by a number of factors, including how long you?ve been using it, how much you use and whether you are more prone to becoming dependent.

You may find you have difficulty stopping regular use, and you may experience psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms when you do stop. Withdrawal symptoms can include cravings for cannabis, irritability, mood changes, appetite disturbance, weight loss, difficulty sleeping and, in some people, sweating, shaking and diarrhoea.

If you've only been using for a short while there should be no problem stopping, but after continued regular use of cannabis, stopping can become more difficult. You?re also at risk of getting addicted to nicotine if you roll your spliffs with tobacco.

The following risks are associated with cannabis use:
Even hardcore smokers can become anxious, panicky, suspicious or paranoid.
Cannabis affects your co-ordination, which is one of the reasons why drug driving, like drink driving, is illegal.
Some people think cannabis is harmless because it?s a plant, but it isn?t harmless. Cannabis, like tobacco, has lots of chemical 'nasties', which, with long-term or heavy use, can cause lung disease and possibly cancer. The risk is greater because cannabis is often mixed with tobacco and smoked without a filter. It can also make asthma worse, and cause wheezing in people without asthma.
Cannabis itself can affect many different systems in the body, including the heart. It increases the heart rate and can affect blood pressure.
If you have a history of mental health problems, taking cannabis is not a good idea. It can cause paranoia in the short term, but in those with a pre-existing psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia, it can contribute to relapse.
If you use cannabis and have a family background of mental illness, such as schizophrenia, you may be at increased risk of developing a psychotic illness.
It is reported that frequent use of cannabis can cut a man's sperm count and reduce sperm motility. It can suppress ovulation in women and so may affect fertility.
If you?re pregnant, smoking cannabis frequently may increase the risk of the baby being born smaller than expected.
Regular, heavy use of cannabis makes it difficult to learn and concentrate. Some people begin to feel tired all the time and can't seem to get motivated.
Some users buy strong herbal cannabis (also known as skunk) to get ?a bigger high?. Unpleasant reactions can be more powerful when you use strong cannabis, and it is possible that using strong cannabis repeatedly could increase the risk of harmful effects such as dependence or developing mental health problems.
Marijuana compared to Alcohol and Tobacco- Marijuana Legalization Organization topic page

Marijuana vs. Alcohol and Tobacco

Why is marijuana illegal, but alcohol and tobacco are available and regulated?

People who support marijuana prohibition claim that marijuana is unhealthy and dangerous. They say we need to keep drugs illegal to protect our society from the addiction and disease that they cause. These arguments are not consistent with the fact that the two most deadly drugs in America are legal. Alcohol and tobacco are far more addictive and harmful than marijuana, but they are legally available. If we want to have drug policies that are logical and effective, we need to legalize and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to the regulation of alcohol and tobacco.

Alcohol causes a wide variety of health problems.
According to the University of Michigan Health System report "Alcohol: Effects on Health", alcohol contributes to numerous health problems including gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, liver cancer, cirrhosis, and other liver diseases.
According to researched published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Vol. 275 No. 1, January 3, 1996), alcohol abuse increases the risk of developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Alcohol abuse increases cancer risk.
"Alcohol May Raise Breast Cancer Risk" - from
"Considerable evidence suggests a connection between heavy alcohol consumption and increased risk for cancer" - from the National Institutes of Health "Alcohol Alert."
Alcohol abuse kills over 100,000 Americans every year.
See "By the Numbers: Deaths Caused by Alcohol" from Scientific American magazine (December 1996), and "Magnitude of Alcohol-Related Mortality and Morbidity Among U.S. College Students Ages 18-24" from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Alcohol prohibition failed miserably. Marijuana prohibition is failing for the same reasons.
For an economic analysis of why prohibition doesn't work, see Alcohol Prohibition Was A Failure, by Auburn Economics professor Mark Thornton.

Nicotine, the active chemical in tobacco, is highly addictive.
See "The Health Consequences of Smoking: Nicotine Addiction" from the U.S. Surgeon General (1988).
Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world, responsible for roughly 5 million deaths each year.
See the "Tobacco Free Initiative" from the World Health Organization (WHO)
Cigarette smoking is the single most preventable cause of premature death in the United States.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fact sheet on "Cigarette Smoking-Related Mortality", more than 400,000 Americans die from cigarette smoking each year.
Despite the known health risks of tobacco use, cigarettes are legally available throughout the United States and can be purchased at gas stations, convenience stores, and supermarkets for less than $5 per pack.
As with all things moderation is key. If you drink too much milk that will kill you too. My personal experience is that the typical pot smoker is lazier and does not have the drive that normal people have. That is not the case for all users. I know plenty of people who smoke daily with no ill effects socially or mentally. Aspirin is also plant based I believe, but processed into a pill form and can benefit people with heart conditions as well as other users for a multitude of symptoms. Again moderation is key. take too much of anything and the end result will be death, plain and simple.
As with all things moderation is key. If you drink too much milk that will kill you too. My personal experience is that the typical pot smoker is lazier and does not have the drive that normal people have. That is not the case for all users. I know plenty of people who smoke daily with no ill effects socially or mentally. Aspirin is also plant based I believe, but processed into a pill form and can benefit people with heart conditions as well as other users for a multitude of symptoms. Again moderation is key. take too much of anything and the end result will be death, plain and simple.

Wise post Bob, too add

My brothers smokes everyday and makes him more productive, his a Senior Manager at KPMG and works better and is more focused in his word. You can make the drug whatever you want. If you are a driven and goal oriented person it will help you focus while not being stressed out. If you are a lazy bum it makes you want to be more of a lazy bum and makes you care less about being a lazy bum. Its all in the hand of the user I believe. To me weed makes everything better, I focus more have less stress and can think much clearly about things.

Moderation is key in anything. If you eat to much food you get fat, if you drink to much alcohol you get drunk, if you drive to fast you get a ticket. Moderation is key.
Why is marijuana illegal, but alcohol and tobacco are available and regulated?

Because of DuPont. They lobbied aggressively against all forms of hemp in order to create a bigger market for nylon.
Who here uses it and why? What does it do for you that makes it worth it, medical, habitual, or just like to do it.
How is it any different if someone you know smokes weed, or drinks. In the end its a personal decision. How many times do we go around and say "People who smoke is stupid". Vs saying "People who drink are stupid"
In the end isn't moderation everything and smoking weed is a personal decision just like smoking cigarets or drinking alcohol ?
Yeah completely mate, it is a descision and it is only yours to make. Personally I am against it but I'm not going to say SUPRA YOU ARE A BAD BOY!! blah blah blah. Hopefully you know the risks of drinking or smoking whatever, and therefore it is up to you. If you don't maybe its because you don't actually care and just enjoy it? I don't know but I don't want to impose anything on anyone.. I'm just giving my opinion as to why I don't want to try it :)
first of all im not going to read that fuck that, now because it says pot in the title im sure its gotta be something good so im gonna go along with this and say YEAH BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who here uses it and why?
uses it? it aint heroin bro, who here smokes it would be better. i smoke it occasnay not as much as i did when i was in high school. i smoke because i enjoy getting ripped out of my mind and laughing at nothing.
first of all im not going to read that fuck that, now because it says pot in the title im sure its gotta be something good so im gonna go along with this and say YEAH BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought they taught you how to read in school. Im not buying you a new computer till you start reading all my posts and liking them;)